Criana Human Warlock
BRA aka Blood Raven’s Accretion amongst others
Anyone who recognizes my name to be honest lol I knew a lot of people and I’d be happy to reconnect with any of them!
Lythian, Mortidus, Saavvy
Cheerfang, Night Elf Druid, Kul Tiras Marines
Looking to meet anyone else from that bizarre little guild that taught me what RP was.
Liar there was no RP in Maelstrom
Yes there was plenty of rp on Maelstrom back in the day. Idk about now because I’m not on the server anymore but Maelstrom is where I first learned what rp even is.
Male Human Holy Paladin
I don’t remember the guild name but I do remember we competed with Lost Legion for the top raiding guild on Alliance side. We got into Naxx but fell apart shortly before BC was released. We never got C’thun down, but we worked on it.
I also remember our whole guild befriending a Chinese Gold Farmer by the name of BobSipoli. I’m also sure that our guild had a small get together on the east coast at a LAN Center to raid BWL or Naxx… pretty sure they went to a strip club afterwards and came back with some funny stories.
I remember Nyx, Snowhite, and unfortunately I can’t remember other names.
I remember those names, good to see some of the old crew is still around.
I can’t even remember most people from my distant past anymore. However, my name back in 2004-2006 was Asthuran, and I was a part of a guild called Litany of Fury. I wasn’t there for a long time, but I was a MT/OT for UBRS and a few other things around that time. I remember it being a really great group of people though, it’s the guild that taught me how to tank effectively haha.
If anyone remembers me from that time period, feel free to message me in-game. I’ve reserved the name Crim on the server Grobbulus (the only RPPVP realm). You can also find me on discord, my battle tag is Krim#3806.
It’s funny, when I log onto my Maelstrom character, he is “exactly” as he was in 2005/2006. He has his Draconian shield with Dal’Rends Sacred Charge, level 60 in valor gear. Never had the heart to change him
I look forward to the return of Vanilla, it’s the only thing that ever could have brought me back to being a subscriber of this game haha.
Dude! i use to duel you all the time.
Arath - Gnome rogue
Dracus sucks!
@Arathela - I’m assuming you’re talking about Dracus or someone else, though I’m not sure, so I figured I’d clarify haha.
Lush and The The Shadow Watch
Anyone that remembers
Abyss, Human Warlock
The Shadow Watch, The Remnants, possibly The Thundering Legion if that wasn’t just a weird fever dream.
I think Aayla already covered everyone I remember, good to see you and the other familiar faces in here
Anyone remember a Human priest named Peachestime? Liked to hang out in Goldshire a lot.
Yo! What faction are you looking at?
So cool! What server are you playing on for the return of vanilla?
Oh for cool! Well, I’ll be on Grobb come launch. Give us a ring come launch! Malakov will be there too.
Both you and Dracus I remember. Brings back memories. We have a Classic guild community going. Let me know if you guys would like and invite.
im tearing up in nostalgia looking at all these old names
Are you rolling on grob? im trying to put together a guild aswell
Is the LL ventrilo still alive?
Charax, Warsong Ninjas.
Where’s Axelle at?