Maelstrom Alliance Reconnections

Silme, night elf hunter

< Huntress >

Any former members of < Huntress > in good standing; anyone we worked with; anyone who remembers our level 10-19 PVP raid into the Barrens when the server was new.

We’re thinking of starting a guild which might or might not be < Huntress > and might target eventual raiding. Please post if interested!


McKeznak, Human Paladin
GUILD: Knights of Rising Sun
Ghostridder, Keayara, and Myself are on Proudmore now.
I miss from Maelstrom: Folin, Fluffykin, Thady, Gian, Munglez, Booster, Akafluffy, Glasya, Leviticus, Lucict, and so many more.
Outside of Guild I remember playing with a Night Elf named Tregga, a Hunter maybe back in Vanilla.

Fealty, Human Paladin
Guilds: The Company, The Shadow Watch

Shout out to my fellow TSW raiders and the Invictus PvP crew that made AV so much fun!

Hope to see many of you back in Classic.

Mage Bomb, Mage Bomb!

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Bled - Human Rank 14 Paladin

I was in a few guilds notably lost legion. Looking to reconnect with anyone who knew me.

its me feast, alaras. allyhoof,kaeller i just started my account back up yesterday!


i really hope to find xadis lustre retnuh people from lity of fury (i think i may of spelt it wrong i cant seem to remember names


im good hun how are you friend me !


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Hi all,

Character: Mawzroh, Lieutenant Commander Night Elf Feral Druid
Guild: The Clergy

PM ME if we played together! I’m back to go all in all WoW Classic, frens! :slight_smile:

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There’s a familiar name! We’ve played together a number of times in pre-made PvP and raid groups. :slight_smile:

Not sure if you’ll remember… Mawzroh - Night Elf Rank 10 Druid

Khallthas - Human Rogue. I can’t remember every guild I was in, but I used to lead ‘Perfect Storm’ and ‘Sanctus Tempestia’ way back in the day. I was pretty active and loved to raid and especially PvP! You would probably see me dueling people outside of Stormwind or Ironforge.

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I used to play a Hunter who never really got to 60 back in vanilla spent all my time rping.

I was pretty bad and very young at the time so if anyone remembers how cringy i was i apologize lol. The name was alexfire female night elf. I was in various guilds.

I also played a space goat priest named eura in bc. And a shaman named maivh in wotlk.

If anyone remembers me id love to say hi and see how your doing! As for wow classic i plan to at least check it out at launch and if i can find a good community im sure ill stick around.

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Hey man, I do remember you. Will be good to see you in game.

Name was Thadren, a Human Mage.
Last guild was The Core.
Besides RL friends I’m hoping that I might find Amaralynn (sorry if the name is off a bit) human paladin, dwarf hunter whose name escapes me atm but I know I would remember when I see it. Met you both over some bad spawns in duskwood hope you guys will be around. Also my old guild would be nice to hear from Abbadon, Peanut and Sillybubbles are the only ones I can think of by name atm but again I would remember your names when I saw them.

Katiesan, Night Elf Druid

The Shadow Watch
The Clergy

Already see a couple TSW alums here. Hopefully amuck runs can make a return.

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Already recognize some names here. I used to go by Axid on my nelf rogue and Chipz on my human war with the guild Silence That Follows Us. Holler at me if we go back. Cannot wait to sesh classic again.

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Hey Hodgey, Nugget, Oysterz and me are rolling Horde on Herod PvP.

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Shadow Watch represent!!

Gattaca here. On the fence about playing Classic but hoping to reunite with some ole Maelstrom peeps! Where the PvPers at?


Koali, Gnome Rogue / Aguchu, Draenei Shaman in TBC

Anyone from the late night guilds Morality Shift and No Sleep For the Weary.
Any of you folks still play?