Madseason is a very smart person

Everything you opinionated… shows that retail is the game for you.

But I truly appreciate your addressing the fallacies rather than just claiming they exist. However is a fallacy a fallacy when the point and the proof is true???

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blizzard spawns being paid scraps to promote boosts on here and reddit.


I don’t know what that means, I don’t play retail.

Looked it up, basically you skip the main storyline and do whatever quests/world objectives you want to level. I don’t see your point?

If it’s in response to me saying people don’t pick up MMOs for the leveling experience I think that’s a confirmation of my point. People only play through the story because they’re forced to, given the option they’ll skip it.

Yeah seriously what is this trend where completely untrained critics make reviews of things like movies that are as long or longer than the movie itself.

There are plenty of bots in retail.
And its not only druids aoeing old areas, if you go to botanica dg in TBC you will see hundeds of bots there. All day every day, So ya, bots in retail are big and plenty. Prolly worse than classic. You just notice them more in classic because you have fewer zones and more condensed quests areas.

He didn’t state that. The rest are your opinions, also retail is alive and well and has more players than classic atm. Sorry to burst the bubble.

You dont need to play 10hr a day to level effectively.
People took long to level because they wanted to do several things. I did all dungeons at least once while i leveled, i would level faster not doing any of them.

It also doenst change the fact you are paying to bypass half of the game.
People dont like to level in retail because there is no progression for leveling in retail at all, doesnt matter what you do you get the same stuff, whereas in classic there is a clear progression system with adequate rewards for different classes.
Also there is no proof boosts bring more players.

Nobody gave a damn about streams in 2006.

Thats the endgame too btw.

Ok then all professions should also not require any classic materials to level up from scracth too because you need them in TBC. Thats literally the same. No fooling around. Also, be simple and direct, it is obvious you just dont like leveling and thats fine.

Issue people that enjoy leveling are seeing is simple, my content can be invaldiade/completely beaten by a wallet in the game shop. Would you like to see yours be invalidate aswell? There are plenty of games that sell BiS items on the cash shop.
I mean, atm, you can literally pay another player to boost you, play players to carry you and so on, but at least it required another player playing the game and was made with in-game currency. Hence the key words, “in-game”.

If people buy gold with real money thats something blizzard should act upon on since their own contract says this isn’t allowed.

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normal players, casual players did not, but Arena players did.

To all the people who actually believe that they should remove boosts because it would devalue the leveling experience. So you should also believe all realms should start fresh then right? Including YOU.

If not. You’re a hypocrite.

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It does.

Im pretty sure thousands asked for this.

Still the argument makes no sense. If they earned said leveling in-game why should they have it removed?

I will help you on how to make a structured argument, here:

An area of the game they like can be owned by a credit card in the companies cash shop. In this case kalimdor/Easter kingdoms leveling.
If blizzard sold items you get from endgame pvp/pve but “only one set per account” because some people dont have time to do kharazan\TK etc or keep doing arenas would you be ok with this? if not you are a hypocrite.

You are welcome.


I’m not sure I understand what argument you’re making. Boosts don’t have anything to do with characters who are already 58 or higher, so what’s the relationship you’re trying to make there?

I have no dog in this fight. I probably won’t even play TBC. I’m just a 3rd party by stander. There’s nothing to be hypocritial about.

If people don’t want to remove boosts because they feel like they “earned it” while boosters didn’t, and they come out and say so. That is not hypocritical.
Just like if some person said that they are pro boost because they are lazy and don’t want to level. That is not hypocritical.

However, don’t hide behind a blanket statement pretending that they have the best interest of the game in mind. If you say you have the best interest of the game in mind , condoning boosts and lamenting old azeroth, yet you don’t want to level yourself - that is hypocritical.

It’s crystal clear that the vast majority of the people playing Classic or on the forums, want the Wrath Crusade and that’s fine. But don’t make it seem like anyone actually wants TBC for what it was - overall. Let’s be honest, what made Vanilla and early TBC was the one thing this generation of gamers can’t stand. Time.

Well aren’t you weak minded. And your name sucks!

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That argument still made no sense.

If the content you do can be beaten by a credit card, it is devauled.
If i can buy a raid tier set because whatever reason the raid tier is devauled as well.

All that is asked is not a a cash shop skypping content which blizzard couldv’e shortned on their own.
If people want to boost let them do with in-game methods which requires in-game activities. If blizzard want them leveling up faster by all means increase XP gains, but don’t provide boosting services on cash shops.

It surely has a great weight.
But lets be honest there are core structures in classic that are not present in retail and vice-versa.
Its ok if people prefer one over another.
And it sucks when one of these structures is attacked.

shadowlands main storyline is trash and tedious, vastly different from the questing experience in vanilla and tbc. og vanilla was designed as a questing game, a ton of effort went into it, and the same trend continued in tbc. wow already had great lore and the devs incorporated that into the game through their quests, dungeons and raids. the problem isnt even leveling or the boost itself, if people wana skip a major part of the game thats on them. the real issue is all the bots and gold sellers who will multiply by the thousands because of this boost, crash the tbc economy very early on and possibly give way to the wow token which actiblizz is just itching to put in classic. this boost will lead classic down a path of destruction just like it did years ago

I agree, botting is out of control and Blizzard really needs to do something about it.

Axing the boost is not going to fix the bot problem. Whether the botters will make use of the boost and the effects that has is supposition, unless you’ve got a botter contact to reference their opinion.

Huh? You just broke my post into little pieces cherry picking while missing the entire point.

The point is this. It really doesn’t matter if you are pro or anti boost, if you’re up front about why. Just don’t make it seem like you have the game’s best interest at heart, because you don’t. And obviously when I say you, i don’t mean you personally.

Oh but we do.
Boosts are bad for the game and don’t bring anything good but terrible precedents.

do you not frikkin get it dude? actiblizz wants to fully monetize classic, these slow but gradual implementations of more qol garbage is their scheme. they started with server transfers in classic vanilla, now we’re getting a boost?! neither of which existed in this game back then. people have to get their heads out of the sand and realize what theyre up to. people have to say no or there wont be a classic anymore, it’ll just be acitivisions version thats left. you have any idea how long people petitioned for classic wow? like 5 flippin years, now its being ruined right in front of our eyes and we’re letting it happen

I wouldn’t make massive generalizations like no one wants TBC for what it was. What forum posters want or don’t want doesn’t matter anyway. It’s Blizz’s call, and they don’t want to recreate TBC for what it was. That’s really all that matters.

Of course it’s Blizzards and and they’ll do whatever they think will make the most money. As for my generalizations, all you need to look around you. Look at what Classic has become. Look at how the player base reacted to Naxx, despite having a flow chart walk through guide to follow.

it doesn’t take a genius to figure out that a lot of people can’t handle the gaming style that was 15 years ago.

Yeah Im in the madseason thread on the tbc forums listening to the clowns tell me how its all very legitimate and they’re still real fans of tbc.

Theyre reasoning is so dumb it pains me to navigate it.

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