Made a RSS Healer Post, I Miss Anything?

Its not about rewards. I heal RSS every week. I hate it but I do it because I can cap conq/vault in about 2 hours even when im doing poorly. (Which is most of the time) Its the most efficient way to go, period. If youre actually good at it, it would go even faster than what I can do with a losing record.

Here’s what makes healing RSS suck.

holy lockout
almost dead DPS los himself around a pillar
dead dps

Even with trinket and bubble, I have to spend the overwhelming amount of time im playing either locked out of healing, CC’ed or chasing DPS who arent paying attention to anything.

So basically I dont care about RSS at all. I dont make an effort. I dont care about my rank. Im just gaming the system. No amount of rewards will ever make this fun. I only do it so I can have a few beers on the weekend and pew pew as ret in random BG’s.

I do get some satisfaction out of knowing the players spewing nonesense are going to be in queue for days trying to accomplish what ive done in hours. So there is that. The system is broken though. It sucks for EVERYBODY right now. The answer isnt to cater to healers. The answer to to scrap this garbage and design something more fun.

Idk if it will fix anything but maybe just get rid of the shuffle aspect of solo shuffle. Just make it so you queue as a single player… But instead of switching team mates, you just fight till the entire other team is dead… So like 3s… But, you que by yourself and get placed into a team. I’ve noticed I have had more luck in arena skirmishes as a healer than I ever have as a RSS healer.

Guarantee that if going 3-3 allowed healers to gain rating, you will see more healers willing to queue. 3-3 is very common when playing a healer role and also takes quite a bit of effort in this high burst/high dampening game mode.

Also, you can even cap it at a certain point. I understand not wanting healers to 3-3 their way to 2.4k+, but at least making the 1800 maybe even 2100 rewards accessible this way would encourage more healers to play.

One more small thing, can you swap both dps after the first round? Getting stuck with the dps that goes 0-6 for the first 3 rounds make you mentally checked out before the 4th round even starts, yes or yes?


Wait you actually want to artificially boost healers egos because they get bad teammates?

What about the opposite do dps get a mmr boost when their healer is a petri dish mutant from hell?

Like, no. Its a teamgame if you play worse as a team you lose points its not complicated

What if we just stop pretending RSS is a sufficient replacement for 3s and let the whacky goofy gamemode 4fun be just that. Remove healers, let it be 3v3 dps, adjust modifiers and reduce the que times from 40 minutes to 40 seconds overnight.

You’re not wrong, however this is a thread for suggestions on how to encourage healers to queue and in result lessen the queue time for dps. Your mentality prevents any nuance. The reality is healers don’t want to queue for this mode, now let’s try to solve that issue.

Before you suggest going into LFG to find a team, a lot players just want to be able to log on, queue, play a few rounds, and call it a night.

The reality is healers dont want to queue anything because HEALING ISNT FUN. Theres a healer shortage for M+, theres a healer shortage for raids, theres a healer shortage period and its been that way for every single expansion AND every single video game.

Its straight up not a fun or popular way to play video games. No one wants to play support in league, healers in overwatch, healers in ffxiv, bard in lost ark, bard in dnd.

I truly dont understand the coping threads of “what can we do to make healers want to que a gamemode that is already hostile and uniquely punishing to an already unfun role.” Like ignorance is bliss I guess?

The root cause of all problems in this game class design wise is healers. How about we just remove the root cause?

So, you’ve clearly identified A problem with the system in place, that being the current environment being unfun to play a healer for a lot of players. Your ask to remove healers from the game is just not going to happen, period. So, blizzard should really consider implementing suggestions from the community to encourage people to play the healer role.

Blizzard should really consider that no other game in the history of games has ever successfully made healing/support a popular role and they are already a subpar company when it comes to innovation so they should throw in the towel

This guy is awesome and it still takes dire circumstances for one of twelve people on a team to switch to him and single-handedly win the game.

Still a fried take though.

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Why is it fried then? Point to me where in my statements am I wrong about the state of healers and the effect they have on the games endgame loop as a requirement for content.

Because it’s not gonna happen. WoW has had a dedicated “health bar filler upper role” since it’s inception.

I’m not saying a game where healers focus more on support and dps are more resilient on their own couldn’t work. For all we know, it might (although every dps effectively being Ret would be…), but it’s just not going to happen.

So its not a fried take then, you just think its an unrealistic one then.

And to that I say, WoW will continue to be stagnate until they realize its a risk they must take. Everquest was WoW’s predecessor and it was built off the principal of getting rid of the boomer ideas that every RPG “had” to have.

WoW’s last innovative expansion was legion and sadly despite all the improvements dragonflight has made, especially with the cadence of nerfs/buffs, the fundamental issues are still present.

The healer role is fundamental to WoW. I also think it’s unfair to claim healers are generally unfun for everyone. I have played since vanilla, personally I have always enjoyed the fantasy of hpals. I imagine class fantasy is a big reason a lot of us play mmo’s. There WILL be a population in WoW that prefers or at least enjoys playing a healer. The issue is the amount of people that play a healer right? So, I ask blizzard to please adjust the environment to encourage more people to play the healer role from time to time.

The heck, man. there’s alot of people who enjoy healing…that’s why it’s a side of the holy trinity. It’s tanking that’s usually not popular and that’s not doing too bad right now.

But yeah, healing in wow is at a historical low right now. The last time this happened was probably Cata when they made alot of healing changes that made it not fun. They don’t seem to understand healing any longer, or what makes it fun, but that’s no reason to completely negate the role.

There’s alot of problems with the company and game but they’ve done great work with healing in the past. Like it or not, WoW is a masterclass of healer design overall compared to other games.

I know the game play is more fun to zugzug 2s burst kill a target as a dps but I feel this meta is boring as a healer. The games boil down to the same thing across all of my healers.

I’m over it with the balancing issues and rating changes. What’s the point when I’m chasing dps around and barely gaining rating or feeling like I get to play in matches.

It doesn’t feel rewarding rating wise or game play wise as a healer. When pvp has a slower pace and is balanced more, you get to play more strategically and work for wins instead of a single class or comp winning because Blizz can’t test or balance their pvp.

My arena and battleground groups died out with the rating changes too so why would I keep shuffling lol.

I’ll say this, I have two healers. An Hpal and a Pvoker.

I find being a healer fun and challenging.

What I don’t find fun is going into SS and getting done in by RNGesus and getting nothing out of it. Oooooh, 100 honor. So what if my timer is is less than 1 minute. It does me 0 good when I can go 5-1 and only get like +10 and table scraps for conquest. Even worse when I go 3-3 or worse and lose points constantly over things like a dps seeing me run to the for their life and they LOS me and I cannot heal them and they die or literally get into the situation where I am locked down the first 30 seconds of a match while someone’s health gets nuked in that time frame.

Just balls…