Made 1 Billion gold = 70,000 USD Bnet balance = 6,000 WOW time tokens

Wow gold stopped meaning anything when you could buy it off the store. I say good on him and who really cares

Is this even a little surprising? It helps blizzard sell tokens so they look the other way.

Can you actually do that? Like drop your current profession and relearn the same profession and just start again?

So that’s why the WoW Token has dropped in value so much. Blizzard lets players abuse a mechanic that artificially decreases the real life currency value of the Token.

Well I don’t know about OP or the rest of you, but I’ll have you know that I’m pulling in a massive 138 pet battle tokens each time a token WQ pet battle is up thanks to my 8 level 60+ toons.

Feels a little like cheating but I’m okay with it.

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Oh my neighbor has two yachts and 4 cars in front of his house while I only have 2 cars in front of my house? Fantastic, glad he is doing well for himself!

If that was the case then they wouldn’t have called it a bug and fixed it after a handful of people used it, and it would have been possible for everyone willing to do it.