Macro is life?

Oh sure, I didn’t mean to trash macros. Plenty of useful things you can do with it. I just generally use it for basic stuff, rather than to optimize my play, but I certainly respect those that do!

lol going the have a staring contest in pvp? Everything is mapped to a key bind.

And were the "disabled"ones. :hugs:

I hear ya, and sometimes feel the same.

Not a must. All things you can do with macros, you can do without macros. Some may say that macros make things easier.

Here’s an example (not warrior specific). Let’s say you want to look for a group to run Deadmines, and you want to ask in the following channels:

  1. General
  2. Trade Chat
  3. Looking For Group

You could type, LF4M heals/dps for Deadmines in each of those channels, or you could make a macro to do it for you.

Here’s what the macro might look like:

/1 LF4M heals/dps for Deadmines
/2 LF4M heals/dps for Deadmines
/4 LF4M heals/dps for Deadmines

You can then use that macro as you would any other skill, and put it on an action bar. That can either be assigned to a keybind or you can click it.

For warrior tanking, for example, you may wish to begin a pull by using Charge. In Classic WoW to use Charge as a warrior, you must be in Battle Stance. There are 3 stances, 1. Battle Stance, 2. Defensive Stance, 3. Berserker Stance (order is significant).

If you would like to make a macro that will cast Charge for you (or if you are not in Battle Stance, it will put you in Battle Stance first), you can do so pretty easily with the following macro:

/cast Battle Stance
/cast Charge

You might want the macro to show the icon from Charge. To do so, you could either look for the Charge Icon in the list, or you can add #showtooltip Charge to the macro, like so:

#showtooltip Charge
/cast Battle Stance
/cast Charge

Then you might think, “Oh hey, that’s OK, this macro will put me in Battle Stance if I am not in Battle Stance. Then it will Charge (if I am in Battle Stance), so I want it to show the Battle Stance icon if I am not in Battle Stance and I want it to show the Charge icon if I am in Battle Stance.”

OK, then to do so, you can say something like if in stance 1 (which is Battle Stance), then cast Charge. Otherwise, cast Battle Stance.

/cast [stance:1] Charge; Battle Stance

And then do the same thing for the #showtooltip part:

#showtooltip [stance:1] Charge; Battle Stance
/cast [stance:1] Charge; Battle Stance

You be the judge! Like a lot of things, macros can be a helpful tool, and are not so difficult once you know a bit about how they work.

I put together a warrior tanking guide that also includes a section on some macros. Maybe that’s of some interest to you.

Good luck out there!


great explanation ty!
ill look into your guide it looks great, but what are the talents i should use? right now i put 3 points at rend (arms tree).

Do i put any points in prot right now? or should i wait to 60 to re-spec because i want to lvl up fast. and i do want 2h spec and axe spec for lvling (unless i should use talents as prot tank but ill lvl up way slower i think).

Can help with carpal tunnel syndrome


I’ve found myself using WAYY more macros in classic.

The big 3 being


I do a lot of / cast spell / shoot wand stuff

Stuff to make grinnding 2 buttons

Macros, make life soo much easier, do you know how to copy and paste? I look online for cool useful macros and when I find one I make it in game.

Ctrl-C is copy and Ctrl-V is paste

highlight what you want to copy and go to town.

There’s even a macro for the undead to /cannibalize and /drink at the same time with one button click! how fast is that.
There’s another macro that allows you to increase the visible range of nameplates.

Once you get into it there’s a ton of stuff you can make

This is really up to you, and your playstyle. A lot of people spec into a deep arms build with some points into fury, some go deep fury, and some decide to go deep prot.

For leveling, I’ve been using a deep Arms build (31 in Arms, up to Mortal Strike), and have put points into Prot. This has worked well for me, as I have increased armor, and blocking, plus Last Stand, while maintaining a good amount of dmg with Sweeping Strikes, and Mortal Strike, while also having Tactical Mastery, which is helpful for maintaining a small amount of rage (25) when stance dancing (though dumping range prior to a stance change can work fine).

A Fury Prot build would be more optimal, and if only I were facing any issues with threat, dmg mitigation while tanking, or damage output while dpsing with my current build, I would experiment a little more. I strongly recommend the Fight Club Warrior discord as a good source of information for Classic Warrior theorycrafting, and build advice:

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