Macro is life?

Don’t play a Druid if you don’t like macros…we’re all macros friend. Can’t speak to other classes.

I will say, it’s worth learning. Once you learn them, it takes 20 seconds to make one and the quality of life dramatically improves.

Pressing one button and having your character do multiple actions that would normally require someone to press multiple buttons is automation, so take it easy before calling someone ignorant.

Are we meant to cater to every disability or just yours? Why not reduce the game to one button so people without limbs can just bash their head against a keyboard and play?

Only macro you need:

/target npcname

I also want to make a macro to shout out the name of the person I summon

And also a macro to target totems is on my to-do list everything else I don’t know about

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You are.
Theres a heap of simple commands that you can use in your day to day play that save you fidgetting around with multiple binds.
/cancelaura mount name
/cast feral charge.
This will instantly dismount you if you’re riding and charge your target.
/cast spell name
/use trinket name.
This will cast a spell (say moonfire) and will use your trinket in a single button press.

I was initially daunted by macro’s but keeping them simple is a very handy skill to have in wow.

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When using the language Blizzard provided for us to write macros, no it is not. Not in their definition. I cannot press one button and have my character sit and fish in one spot for an hour while I do something else-- not unless I download a bot. Botting is automation.

My disabilities are minor, and I can play without addons or macros. These things simply make my life a whole lot easier.

That would be Wrath-era arcane mages, but I digress.

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Hunter is the only class I’ve played where I feel that I NEED a macro even without being disabled.

FD + recall pet + trap almost needs to be macro’ed for PvP purposes. Trying to make 3 presses before you’re back in combat would be a huge disadvantage in PvP against someone who’s halfway decent.

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It’s not when they’re all off the GCD, Hell even in vanilla I had bladeflurry and adrenaline rush bound to the same button just to save a spot on my bars.

Hey OP, there are three basic macros that everyone can benefit from enormously. In their simplest forms, they are:

  1. Stop whatever you’re casting and cast something else instead:

/cast spell_or_ability_name

  1. If target is harmful cast X, else cast Y (this cuts number of hotkeys in half):

/cast [nodead,harm] X; Y

  1. Cast your buffs one after another by mashing one key:

/castsequence spell_name, spell_name, spell_name

(A number of other macros are more or less complex, and more or less applicable to different classes. For example, on my paladin I have macros to swap between my 2H and sword and board.)

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/-insert name of your class interrupt-

You press that twice real fast when you want to interrupt a caster.

This will cancel anything you’re currently about to cast and let you cast your interupt unimpeded.

Probably the single most important macro for every class.

I care little for what Blizzard’s definition is, this is a company that allows multi boxing for money.

According to the Dictionary it is and you cannot argue against that.

Blizzard provide us macros. I use them.

People who think macros are a crutch. You play with no addons right?

Using a gaming mouse is a crutch.

You don’t even understand how macros work.

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Stop shifting the argument instead of addressing my point, its the third time now.

Your point is that macros are automation, but by repeating this you prove that you simply don’t understand what they do and how they work. Take this simple macro posted by Crooge just above:

Now how the heck is that “automation”, please tell me?

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And you have the nerve to call people ignorant… The irony…

It`s a very simple definition that i stated previously, i even asked you to look at the dictionary but you didnt, need a macro for that?

The moment you have one button perform more than one action, there is automation in the process (and consequently less skill). It is a standard definition, might not be Blizzard`s definition, but it certainly is automation whether you like it or not

Macros, addons and key bindings should be disabled in PvP . Then we see who has skill.

You don’t press one button and the character does multiple actions.

You press one button repeatedly to do each action. You still have to watch the cooldowns, timers, and just overall know what you’re doing. The only difference is that you save space on your hotkey bar.

There is literally zero “skill” involved in stretching your finger a little to press 5 different keys instead of pressing one key 5 times.

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You. have. to. hit. the. button. twice. otherwise. it. will. not. work.

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Depends, is it needed no, does it help, yes.

2 macros I find myself using all the time are:

A button for /target X
I change it depending on what I’m farming, as often spawn locations are over populated.

And a second for my warlock is
/ Cast amplify curse
/Cast curse

Since I macroed this one, I actually use amp curse all the time, as prior I usually saved it or just forgot about it. Since amp curse isn’t on the global casting CD, it’s just 1 nice button same as I would otherwise click in my rotation

Its still the same button that would normally require coordination to press if it were seperate buttons

Imagine a piano player pressing the same key but playing an entire song song, TOTALLY NOT AUTOMATED