Macro Help

Hey all – not super familiar with Macros and could use some help here. Trying to make a Macro that will cast mind sear and then Searing nightmare (up to 2 times assuming within 3 seconds and no target swap).

Everything works fine until i add in the [harm] modifier and then nothing works. Trying to do this so at the end I can add a [help] to it, but kind of stuck?

/castsequence reset=target/3 [harm] Mind Sear, [harm] Searing Nightmare, [harm] Searing Nightmare;

Ideally I want something like this:

/castsequence reset=target/3 [harm] Mind Sear, [harm] Searing Nightmare, [harm] Searing Nightmare; [help] [] Power Word: Radiance

The above begs the question, how do I get Searing Nightmare and PW Radiance in same macro since they across 2 specs?

You’re much better off having SN replace SWP while talented and channeling MSear.

/cast [talent:3/3,channeling:Mind Sear] Searing Nightmare; [@mouseover,harm,nodead] [] Shadow Word: Pain

As for adding PWR into the mix…

/cast [spec:1,@mouseover,help,nodead] [spec:1] Power Word: Radiance; [talent:3/3,channeling:Mind Sear] Searing Nightmare; [@mouseover,harm,nodead] [] Shadow Word: Pain

Ah – perfect, I didn’t even realize I could have Searing Nightmare replace SW Pain while channeling. Excellent idea!

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