On October 24, your players were able to use macros for several situations (see link below) and are now unable to use those very same macros. Did you break the functionality on purpose or was this a mistake? When can we expect a fix if this was a mistake?
We can no longer use macro’s to easily and quickly do the following:
Speak in /say or /emote, /guild, etc.
Cast a spell and /whisper a target such as innervate, power infusion, etc.
Macro’s no longer work! If you read the other post that I referenced you would understand that. No one is spamming. Not a single player can use macros that I have referenced. One key per action or not.
The forum thread that I reference is in regards to the WotLK Classic game. I’m not concerned with retail.
Nice to see that Blizzard is radio silent and quietly moved this to another forum since they don’t feel like telling us anymore about this sudden change.