Macro forum experts!

To the peeps who can answer 99% of the questions about macros on this forum (@Elvenbane, Adreaver, etc), I’m supremely curious to know how you use macros to play the game!! Do you use key mod macros at all, a little? Keybinds?

C’mon, I know y’all are master chefs with great recipes, so spill your secrets!!

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I should really write this up into it’s own post over here for easy searching.

One thing that I have found very helpful is to build an add-on for tweaks you want to use that don’t really fit in a larger addon, and to take common scripts that you use and set them up as clickable buttons in the tweaks addon.

For example, I want to shift from Worgen Form to Human Form when mounting up after combat, as I want to be in Human Form most of the time I’m running around in cities or whatever.

This is done like so:

/castsequence reset=combat Two Forms,null

That uses 21 characters. By building it as a clickable buttons called “TF”, I only need to use /click TF in the macro, which shortens it by 12 characters, giving more room for other stuff in the mount macro.

My addon PetControl is essentially this concept on a larger scale and with a more generally applicable purpose.


you guys should be paid for your expertise and time by bliz for doing their job

ive learned a ton from you both. Gello and Fizzlemizz are super stars too!


lol I’ve never even seen an MVP for these forums.


Which is insane, considering how much you guys do to make the game easier to play for so many people. Just know your efforts (and patience) are appreciated by the people who matter - players!


i wholeheartedly agree

wasn’t this thread originally in General Discussion? i feel like this kind of discussion should be included there

I chain my attack setup macros and in that chain I have this:

/petautocaston [nogroup][nogroup:raid][@focus,nohelp][@focus,noexists][@focus,dead]Growl
/petautocastoff [group,@focus,help,nodead][group:raid]Growl
/cast [nogroup:raid,group,@focus,help,nodead][@pet,exists,nodead]Misdirection

The setup is that you have to have your tank assigned as your focus unit (whether or not he or she is in your group - like with world boss attacks). If you do that and include this as part of your attack macro chain, your pet will automatically go into tank mode if your tank is dead, no longer your focus, mind controlled (or otherwise “not helpable”). It won’t EVER turn on Growl in a raid (don’t want to mess with raid tank swaps).

So, you guys have been helping me for years (I actually did a google search for something I was trying to do last night, and the top result was the exact same question I asked on this forum 2 years ago :joy: ), and last night I decided it was time to clean up my MAGE macros.

I use a ZBoard Fang gaming pad (love this thing, I have gone to great lengths to keep it operational…damn you Windows lol), which puts all 12 top row keys (1 to =) and all modifier keys (alt,shift,ctrl) comfortably within finger reach of my directional asdw keys. Keys 1-6 are closest, 7-= just above them.

The main focus was to make sure to get all abilities accounted, but also homogenizing the placement for muscle-memory. One question, does including the [spec] or [talent] qualifiers make the macro ignore those if they don’t ‘exist’ and just cast the unmodified spell in the list instead?

Here’s what I came up with, feedback is appreciated!

  1. SPCL - Special Use abilities, trinkets
    Cast Mirrors of Torment, unless
    (shift) trinket1
    (alt) trinket2

#showtooltip /cast [mod: shift]Darkmoon Deck: Putrescence; /use [mod:alt]Soul Igniter; Mirrors of Torment

  1. AOE - Dmg Abilities for multiple targets
    Cast (Frost)Frozen Orb OR (Fire)Flamestrike, unless
    (ctrlshift,Frost) Comet Storm;
    (ctrl,Frost) Cone of Cold OR (ctrl,Fire) Blast Wave;
    (shift,any) Arcane Explosion;
    (alt,Fire) Dragon’s Breath OR (alt,Frost) Blizzard

/cast [mod:ctrlshift,spec:3]Comet Storm; [mod:ctrl,spec:3]Cone of Cold; [mod:ctrl,spec:2]Blast Wave; [mod:shift]Arcane Explosion; [mod:alt,spec:2]Dragon’s Breath; [mod:alt,spec:3]Blizzard; [spec:2] Flamestrike; Frozen Orb

  1. NUKE - Single target Dmg abilities
    Cast Frostbolt unless
    (ctrlshift,Fire) Phoenix Flames OR (ctrlshift,Frost) Glacial Spike;
    (ctrl,Fire) Pyroblast OR (ctrl,Frost) Fire Blast;
    (shift,Fire) Fireball OR (shift,Frost) Flurry;
    (alt,Fire) Fire Blast OR (alt,Frost) Ice Lance

/cast [mod:ctrlshift,spec:2]Phoenix Flames; [mod:ctrlshift]Glacial Spike; [mod:ctrl,spec:2]Pyroblast; [mod:shift,spec:2]Fireball; [mod:shift,spec:3]Flurry; [mod:ctrl,spec:3][mod:alt,spec:2]Fire Blast; [mod:alt]Ice Lance; Frostbolt

  1. MOVE - Movement Enhancing abilities, tools
    Cast Blink/Shimmer, unless
    (shift,Fire) Scorch;
    (alt) Door of Shadows

/cast [mod:shift,spec:2]Scorch; [mod:alt]Door of Shadows; Blink

  1. DEF - Defensive Cooldown abilities, tools
    Cast (Frost) Ice Barrier OR (Fire) Blazing Barrier unless
    (ctrlshift) Potion of Hardened Shadows;
    (ctrl) Cold Snap;
    (shift) Invisibility;
    (alt) Frost Nova

/use [mod:ctrlshift]Potion of Hardened Shadows; /cast [mod:ctrl]Cold Snap; [mod:shift]Invisibility; [mod:alt]Frost Nova; [spec:2]Blazing Barrier; Ice Barrier

  1. BUFF - Dmg Enhancing abilities, tools
    Cast (Frost) Icy Veins OR (Fire) Combustion unless
    (ctrlshift,talented) Focus Magic;
    (ctrl) Potion of Spectral Intellect;
    (shift) Arcane Intellect;
    (alt) Mirror Image

/cast [mod:ctrlshift,talent:3/2]Focus Magic; [mod:ctrl]Potion of Spectral Intellect; [mod:shift]Arcane Intellect; [mod:alt]Mirror Image; [spec:2]Combustion; Icy Veins

  1. HEAL - Potions, healthstones, etc
    Use Spiritual Healing Potion unless
    (ctrlshift) Kyrian Bell;
    (ctrl) Heavy Shrouded Cloth Bandage;
    (shift) Healthstone;
    (alt) magefood

/use [mod:ctrl] Kyrian Bell; [mod:shift]Heavy Shrouded Cloth Bandage; [mod:alt]Healthstone; [nocombat]Conjured Mana Bun; [combat]Spiritual Healing Potion

Utility Macros:
TIME - Alter Time, Time Warp
Cast Alter Time, unless (shift)Time Warp

#showtooltip /cast [mod:shift]Time Warp; Alter Time

STEAL - Spellsteal, Arcane Torrent
Stop casting and cast Spellsteal, unless (alt)Arcane Torrent

/cast [mod:alt]Arcane Torrent; Spellsteal

STOP - Counterspell, Polymorph
Stop casting and cast Counterspell, unless (alt)Polymorph

/cast [mod:alt]Polymorph; Counterspell

/cast [spec:1]Arcane Blast;Frostbolt will cast Arcane Blast when you are specced Arcane, and Frostblt otherwise. [talent:R/C] works the same way.

I’ll look over the rest and give feedback in a bit.

They could all use some line breaks for better reading on the forums.

#1 can be a single line unless you’re trying to use DMD + Mirror
#3 has Fire Blast twice, tisk tisk.
#4 Blink automatically becomes Shimmer, no need to code it separately
#6 Wouldn’t bother macroing flasks as they’re not generally used in combat, potions are a better choice

STEAL & STOP - wouldn’t bother including /stopcasting in either of those. Counterspell has it built in, spellsteal might too.

#3. Frostbolt is your main nuke for not-Frost specs? I’d think you would want Fireball and Arcane Blast as the spec 1 and 3 defaults, probably Frostbolt on shift for those specs.

#7. Take out the mod on food and make it [nocombat] instead, that lets you put the Kyrian Bell on alt instead of ctrlshift. You could also do a /castsequence [nocombat] Conjure Refreshment,null and the same macro would make the food when you are out of combat on the first click, then eat it in the second. Put it after the line you already have and it won’t even break the tooltips.

Need some help with a macro, It worked fine in BFA but ever since Shadowlands every time I use it I get an error message… you think you could help?


/cast Death Grip
/run if random(100)<=90 then SendChatMessage(GetRandomArgument(“Get your a$$ over here!!”,“Come on little doggie let’s go for a walk!”,“HEY! Where you think you’re going?!”,“I’m sorry did I say you could leave?!”)) end

Basically, what I wanted was whenever I cast It would have a percent chance to say a random quote.

Is it possible you’re just getting bad rng >90? (sorry, don’t script much, so don’t really know about the rest; just the first thing that came to mind)

GetRandomArgument() no longer exists

You will need an alternative mechanism (something to start with)

/run local t,i={"Get your a$$ over here!!","Come on little doggie let’s go for a walk!","HEY! Where you think you’re going?!","I’m sorry did I say you could leave?!"} i=random(5) if i<5 then SendChatMessage(t[i]) end


I didn’t think about it, but it makes sense to launch together since the cd lines up, right? Can it be written better for this purpose?

Yeah, I want to use FB in both specs, but had trouble with that macro getting it to line up. I may just write a separate macro for both specs

Awesome, so I should just remove "[talent:2/2]Shimmer; "?

oh, yeah, duh. I can fix that

So I had counterspell alone hotkeyed, but Spellsteal I had to macro, so I’m not sure if has stopcasting baked in. I’ll test it.

Thanks Elv!

Adreaver, I’ll respond to your post as soon as the stupid forums let me…anti-spam protocols and all…

/cast [mod:ctrlshift,spec:2]Phoenix Flames; [mod:ctrlshift]Glacial Spike; [mod:ctrl,spec:2]Pyroblast; [mod:shift,spec:2]Fireball; [mod:shift,spec:3]Flurry; [mod:ctrl,spec:3][mod:alt,spec:2]Fire Blast; [mod:alt]Ice Lance; Frostbolt

Can probably go tighter with [mod:ctrl/alt,spec:2/3] but that could be complicated to read and you’d need to rearrange things a bit.


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welp… s**t, regardless thanks for the help. I’ll give the new version you guys posted a shot see if I like it.

Hey, yes, I’m putting frostbolt up front, a) for the slow in pvp/solo pve and b) for memorization. I might move things around later if it’s a problem.

Good ideas. So, like this? But will this use a healing pot every time I eat? Also, do y’all know of another health consumable a mage can use, maybe off the potion cd?
EDIT: added [combat] as a modifier for the healing pot, so I will use it only during combat, otherwise I’ll eat

/use [mod:ctrl] Kyrian Bell; [mod:shift]Heavy Shrouded Cloth Bandage; [mod:alt]Healthstone; [nocombat]Conjured Mana Bun; [combat]Spiritual Healing Potion

If it were me, I would be inclined to create a companion addon to make things easier and more extensible eg.

local Targets = {

local CrackEmUps = {
	DeathGrip = {
		{ q="Get your a$$ over here!!", t=1, },
		{ q="Come on little doggie let's go for a walk!", t=1, },
		{ q="HEY! Where you think you're going?!", t=2, },
		{ q="I'm sorry did I say you could leave?!", t=1, },
		{ q="Some days you just feel like you're walking on air right?", t=1, },
	Pyroblast = {
		{ q="BURN BABY BURN!", t=2, },
		{ q="Anyone have a light?", t=1, },
		{ q="Ashes to ashes. You to ashes. It's all the same to me.", t=1, },

function CrackEmUp(tbl, randomness)
	local t = CrackEmUps[tbl]
	if not t then 
		print("Crack Em Ups: No listing for "..tbl.."!")
	local r = randomness or 90
	local i=random(1, 100)
	if i > r then return end
	t = t[random(1, #t)]
	SendChatMessage(t.q, Targets[t.t])

You could paste the above into the website and change the title to something unique like “CrackEmUps”.

You can then add spell tables and/or quotes. In your macro use:

/cast Death Grip
/run CrackEmUp("DeathGrip")

or :

/cast Pyroblast
/run CrackEmUp("Pyroblast", 80) -- 80% chance to CrackEmUp

etc. depending on your quote lists.