Macro for weapon swap MH and OH weapons?

Anyone have a macro to switch which weapon is main hand and off hand? I’m running a rogue and it would be nice to switch back to dagger MH for a backstab then switch back to sword MH after.

Bumping your post because I need a solid answer as well. I’ve tried two solutions. This macro:

/run PickupInventoryItem(16); if CursorHasItem() then PickupInventoryItem(17) end;

And an addon called WeaponQuickSwap (which just makes the syntax for weapon swap macros easier).

Both work the same out of combat, but when I use the macro in combat, my off-hand will get stuck in its slot, and only a re-log will fix it. If I open my character window in combat, I can freely move the weapons myself. I don’t know, what gives?

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Ok my dude, I’ve found macros that work:

Hopefully Rogues searching these forums will find this post.


Thank you!


Thanks alot for this :slight_smile:

Be aware that switching weapons in combat incurs a GCD.

No GCD just swaps…

/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
/equipslot 16 (NAME OF WEAPON)
/equipslot 17 (NAME OF WEAPON)


Thank youuuuuuu <3

total beauty ty

You’re so sexy! <3

Thank you so much i couldnt find anything showing command and now i got it

It’s a seemingly mandatory macro for rogues. Whenever you hit ambush or backstab, it swaps dagger to MH and whenever you hit hemo or sinister strike it swaps sword to MH. I’d strongly suggest making weapon swap macros for shiv and each poison and also weapon chain if you start playing a later version of Classic.

Something like

/equip [stealth] <dagger name>, [nostealth] <sword name>
/cast [equipped:daggers, stealth] Ambush; [equipped: One-Handed Swords] Hemorrhage

Also, for a simpler macro I’d suggest putting the first on your stealth bar and the second on your non-stealth bar:

/equipslot 16 "dagger name" /cast Ambush

/equipslot 16 "sword name" /cast hemorrhage

For later expansions, I’d recommend adding this macro. Keep in mind, you want to use a OFFHAND or ONEHAND daggers and they cannot have the exact same name. Apply a different poison to each one individually, like mind numbing, crippling and wound. I found using daggers from different seasons, or even different epic PvE daggers worked fine. It can even be a trash rare dagger, you’re only using it to shiv a mindnumbing and then switch off anyway. You could also replace one of those poisons with a weapon chain dagger and equip it before an obvious disarm:

#showtooltip Shiv
/equipslot [mod:shift] 17 "Dagger Name One"
/equipslot [nomod] 17 "Dagger Name Two"
/equipslot [mod:alt] 17 "Dagger Name Three"
/cast [nomod] Shiv
/cast [mod:alt] Shiv
/cast [mod:shift] Shiv

This was massively helpful. Thanks for posting it!

What if its two of the same weapons? For example 2 of the same heirlooms?