FIX weapon swapping

I was in relation to Real Procs Per Minute, not weapon swapping.

Tell me, what weapons aree you trying to swap and why are you doing so?

How about i help you write a macro by linking some infro aqbout rogues specifically wrtiting macros for ambush > sinister strike if you “WaNt To KeEp YoUr SeKrEtS”

Spam Button 1: Equip Assassin’s Blade → Ambush
Spam Button 2: Equip Shadowfang → Sinister Strike

#showtooltip Ambush
/equipslot 16 *weapon ID*
/equipslot 17 *weapon name*
/cast Ambush
#showtooltip Sinister Strike
/equipslot 16 item:1482:1898 (weapon id looks like this)
/equipslot 17 Thief's Blade (weapon name looks like this)
/cast Sinister Strike

You can find the script to get the item id from inside the xpoff thread i linked.

Here is another thing to try.

Both macros are ‘legal’ as it causes the gcd of the weapon swap and requires a second press to cast the ability. You might be having some issues macroing the weapon swap because it tries to swap your main hand first and always and the off hand swap messes up (i know this from using weapon swap macros as fury, 2x2h weapons)

Again im not sure what you are trying to do and seem pretty set on keeping whatever sceret you have to yourslef, that tells me that you are trying to do something shady - hope i could help.