Macro for flying/ground mount

Hey fellas, just a quick question regarding a macro to use for bunch of mounts.
I’m currently using this macro;
/cast [flyable] Ny’alotha Allseer
/cast [noflyable] Amani War bear
But it doesn’t seem to work in WoD or Legion, but it works fine in BFA.
I have pathfinder for BFA but not in WoD or Legion, is there an alternative to this macro to make it work? or do I need to suck it up and finish the pathfinders?


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You could add a third line without any conditions and just use whichever mount you’re wanting to use in the WoD/Legion zones.

/cast [flyable] Ny’alotha Allseer
/cast [noflyable] Amani War bear
/cast Amani War Bear

If you wanna clean up the macro a bit you could do:

/cast [flyable]Ny’alotha Allseer;[noflyable]Amani War bear; Amani War Bear


Just tried testing those, they don’t seem to work… macro defaults to my ground mount. Even tho I can fly in these areas.

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It seems they haven’t updated the [flyable] check for the changes to flying in those two zones:

This thread from the beta suggests this is a recurring problem:

Yeah I assumed it was due to me not having pathfinder for those 2 expansions, but my BFA pathfinder works as intended

You can at least force it with a modified key press.

/cast [flyable] [mod] Ny'alotha Allseer; Amani War Bear
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Looks like I need to update my old DraenorMount addon. Again.

I really wish they would just fix the conditionals, I always update it, only for them to fix it in x.1 and render my work useless.

The easiest fix for this would be to just set those 2 mounts to favorites and add that standard mount favorite button to the bar

Another thing. Since you have them on 2 different lines it may be trying to cast both anyway.

Go with

/use [flyable] Ny’alotha Allseer; Amani War Bear

It doesn’t work. The conditional is not working as intended. It is checking whether the zone allows flight, rather than whether the character can fly in said zone.

They need to change the functionality to check if the character can fly in that area. For classic through MoP, that means IsSpellKnown(“Expert Riding”). For WoD through SL, that means checking IsSpellKnown as well as a check for the appropriate achievement (which doesn’t exist for Shadowlands at present).

Since it is just those 2 mounts he wants to use he can still get the desired result with blizzards Mount Random Favorite by just setting those 2 to favorite.

If for some reason it doesn’t they are much more likely to fix the random favorite button long before they fix the Achievement / spell known APIs

They don’t have to fix those APIs, they have to fix how the conditional calls them.

I’m 99% sure the Summon Favorite Mount button is using the same functionality on the backend anyway.

I 100% know without a doubt that they have checks that we don’t have access too. The reason I know this is because before prepatch, if while standing there you had as much as your pinky toe barely grazing a puddle of water it would call for the Sea Turtle every time if it was added to the favorites.

Since there are no macro conditionals for [IsMyToeWet], it is worth a try.

Good to see you getting all angry and combative over people offering advice on how to workaround broken stuff that by the definition of “broken” means it already isn’t working how it is suppose to.

If you took my post as angry and combative I don’t know what to say.

I wrote an (out of date) addon that fixes this, which I deprecated because Blizzard had fixed the underlying issue that made it necessary. I intend to update it and be done with this issue until 9.1 when Blizzard fixes their broken conditional and makes my work useless again.


So this thread helped me come up with a great mount macro I use to solve a few problems. See what you think!

/dismount [mounted]
/leavevehicle [vehicleui]
/cast [nomod,flyable]Wen Lo, the River’s Edge
/cast [nomod,noflyable]Swift Zulian Tiger
/cast [mod:alt]Grand Expedition Yak; [mod:ctrl] Explorer’s Dunetrekker

Works great for fly and no flying as well as some mods =D

/dismount [mounted]
/leavevehicle [vehicleui]
/cast [mod:alt] Grand Expedition Yak; [mod:ctrl] Explorer's Dunetrekker; [flyable] Wen Lo, the River's Edge; Swift Zulian Tiger
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