Macro error - "spell not learned"

I’m encountering an error when attempting to use a [@cursor] macro for Sigil of Flame while in Vengeance spec. The macro functions just fine while in Havoc and I receive an error “spell not learned” when using the macro as Vengeance.

Casting the spell directly from the spell book or dragging the spell onto an action bar does work.

/cast [@cursor]Sigil of Flame

I’m also seeing the macro gray out while in Vengeance. Furthermore, WeakAuras doesn’t seem to be able to track the spell using the Sigil of Flame spell ID (204596) and this happens with or without other addons enabled. I have also tried re-log and game retarts to no effect.

edit: This also happens with other sigils (misery, chains, etc.). I have noticed that the macro DOES function if the Precise Sigils talent is selected in the DH common tree (albeit without a targeting circle).


Bumping this. Sigil of Flame macros still don’t work in Vengeance spec only. I get the “spell not learned” error even though I have the talent.


im having this problem also

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Can confirm. If you have “Precise Sigils” learned on your HAVOC spec, then you cannot use Sigil of Flame in a macro when in Vengeance spec… Just unlearn that talent from your HAVOC spec, and you can use it in macro again in Vengeance spec.


This is super annoying…

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Bump post. I prefer precise sigils on havoc on some setups so this is extremely off putting. please fix quickly. currently not a single sigil can be used on vengeance inside a macro if precise sigils is selected on ANY of your havoc talent pages


I get this as well, logging out and back in does make it work again but what is it that stops it from working. Works fine in vengeance, swap to havoc and it still works fine, swap back to vengeance and spell not learned, what, how?

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Bump. Same issue as described numerous times above.

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Still having this issue.

I am having this problem also!

still a bug that is an issue

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I’m experiencing this same bug. Please fix.

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Bumping this, still bugged. This is also reported on the EU forums.

To recreate the bug just create a macro similar to:

/cast [nomod:shift,@player] Sigil of Flame
/cast [mod:shift] Sigil of Flame

Make sure this macro is on both Havoc and Vengeance bars. When swapping specs the macro will no longer work unless you hearth or swap back to the previous spec.

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I’m also experiencing this bug

#showtooltip /cast [mod:shift] Sigil of Silence; [@cursor]Sigil of Flame

Still broken

Yep definitely an ongoing bug still. Have to adjust Havoc spec to use it in any macro in vengeance.
Haven’t tried hearthing or restarting the game, but even if those work, this is still a bug that should be fixed. It’s clear that something in the Havoc spec is sticking and displacing the talent tree of Vengeance after a spec change.

Just throwing it out there that this is still broken as of JULY 2023 and this thread is from DECEMBER 2022. I mean I’m no game dev but I refuse to believe this would be that difficult to fix. I don’t even play Havoc. I just had it talented while leveling but for anyone who actually plays both specs constantly, this bug has got to be absurdly annoying.

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Wow, tried using this macro as vengeance.
/cast [mod:shift,@player] [mod:ctrl,@cursor] [] Sigil of Flame
I got “spell not learned” and was about to make a post about it, but apparently this is a known issue that Blizzard just doesn’t care to address, we pay a monthly subscription to be ignored?

I found a fix for this, came originally when I looked for a fix for my DK. Apocalypse refers to a talent and a spell, so when you macro it, it doesn’t know what to look for. The fix is to add () to the end and it functions like normal now. Not saying this shouldn’t be fixed… but this works for me :slight_smile:

#showtooltip Sigil of Flame
/cast [@Player] Sigil of Flame()

I do NOT have precise sigils learned.

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August 30, 2023.

Still completely broken