M+15 weekly is back

Or long term rewards. M+ is in the gutter compared to the other two.

While there are definitely players who run mythic+ because it’s the best source of loot, there are also players who show up on the forums to tell us how much they like mythic+. Players don’t have any way of determining relative numbers of these or other demographics that might have other opinions.

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aren’t they sort of the same thing?

If you are “hardcore”, then you current endgame is limited by the current raids mythic content.

mythic dungeons continue to scale. your seasonal cap is effectively up to you.

either content provides access to the best gear. that is “end game” to me.

Still very confused whats happening lol. The only article I see was stating M16s drop vault gear that can be upgraded to 447. Is that’s whats happening here?

How so? Realistically going by how many people kill 6+ mythic bosses vs. how many people can complete (not time) any +18. Which one of those has a higher rate of completion? Which of those is infinitely spammable with no loot lock? For that matter, the people that manage to kill 6 mythic bosses only get the loot off the tables of those six bosses. People who run 1 +18 dungeon get access to ALL loot in the m+ table.

No seriously, explain exactly how m+ is “in the gutter compared to the other two” forms of endgame content long term rewards.

Enlighten me. It’s 100% possible I’m missing something.


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Yes you are correct. You can basically farm all 16s. fill out your vault with 16s, then next week you can use crests that you farmed to upgrade it to 447.

Nope, as always the conversation turns into an epeen contest in what is considered efficient, easy and/or hard to complete.



spoken like someone who has never stepped foot in a high level key

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Good thing that trinkets from Heroic raid massively outscale max level vault trinkets from M+ for most specs! Hahahahaha!

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No no. They have aNoThEr AcCoUnT where they are obviously cutting edge and probably 10k IO too. It’s like against the law to lie on the internet and 100% of people obey this law.

My dad works at Nintendo so I know all this stuff.


Sure it’s great but what about everyone who already has Hero gear, capped it out and had to 18s to 20s for them? Now it’ll have to be farmed yet again for the new track. This should have been added next season not in the middle of one. Oh well time to be a raid logger now.

Wrong. They were right, that is exactly what is happening from what I understand. And this is always going to be a competition on what content yields the best rewards for the lowest effort/time investment. There’s even a term for that, the path of least resistance. If you don’t think the majority of competitive players aren’t going to flock to whatever form of content yields the most bang for the buck then I have a ski resort on the bottom of the Caribbean Sea that’s for sale really cheap - you interested?

And this is coming from someone who isn’t all that fussed about the changes. I never planned on running +20s or higher no matter what the rewards were going to be. +15s and +16s though? Sure, especially with how much easier dungeons seem to be this season. Even though I despise m+ with every fiber of my being.

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See below.

Player power.

Player power.

Player power.

Transmog, mounts, etc.

Both raid and M+ are criminally behind pvp even, but M+ in this area is pure trash tier.

I mean I dunno. I don’t think it’s that big of a deal (refarming, that is). I might be biased because of my current gear state, but I also just don’t think refarming is all that big of a deal. We do it all the time anyway. Otherwise there just comes a point where you’re only doing dungeons for score, and as someone who personally only pugs yet still does 20+ keys, I’d rather be re-farming than spending 3-5k in repairs every day just for another 20-30 points so I can push for a title I’m not likely to get BECAUSE I only pug.

LF dedicated M+ group -.-

Anyhoo, I just look at it currently as I’m doing all these 20 keys so I get 447s in my vault and hope they just happen to be the same pieces I’m already wearing :stuck_out_tongue:

The competitive players will run both raids and M+. If you don’t raid, you’re not a competitive M+ player anyway.

So, what’s the issue?

I beg to differ.

I haven’t raided since BFA and I never plan to raid again. Too much drama.

What are you competing for then? I should’ve asked him that first.

Pride and a sense of self-accomplishment.

What other reason do I need?

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Glad D4 released.

The idea that the only way to get powerful gear is from Mythic Raiding otherwise its all 447 slop is super disappointing. Dragonflight is Shadowlands all over again - a solid first patch and then sliding into the trash bin.

Glad I played the Mega-Dungeon on the PTR so I don’t even have that as an excuse to keep my sub active.

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