M+15 weekly is back

I never thought blizzard would actually do an reasonable change with the vault but I’m surprised.

10.1.5 you can upgrade vault gear that you gain from +16 to max. Happy you listened to the majority


This will be great as long as they do let vault loot be on the Mythic track.

How do you do m+ at your level?

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The wowhead article did say that anything that drops at 441 will be Myth 1/3.

I’m a bit torn on this change for M+, because it’s potentially going to further stigmatize M+ as a loot piñata rather than a legitimate endgame mode. Why do a +20 ever now?

To be clear I’m not about “holding people down” or “having loot you don’t have” so my concern isn’t the reward, but it’s the perception of the reward.

On the other hand though, I won’t accept anyone saying raid loot is behind M+ anymore. Guilds are throwing away countless amounts of heroic loot already and now have access to way way way more 447 ilvl loot than M+ only players.

So, I’m a bit torn which probably means it’s overall a good change. I do think they need to look at M+ rewards at the high end again now, because it’s a setback on rewarding M+ players for doing higher level content.

Yes please…They never shoulda lowered drop chances in M+ to begin with


Everything on the internet is fake until proven otherwise

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Where are you seeing this?

The most vocal are not always the majority. Also, you area clearly trolling to try and garner attention.

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Because it always was a loot piñata, this is the main reason people like M+, minimal effort max rewards. This change proves that people weren’t rising to the challenge. The metrics must be showing that most people can’t clear +20s.

Edit: I still M+ has been a huge problem for Blizzard to balance as far as rewards go. It has been a thorn in their sides since it was introduced. 5 man dungeons are infinitely easier than trying to raid in WoW, hence why players just take the path of least resistance.

This is why you see people vehemently defend M+ on these forums every day, they don’t want to lose their loot piñata, or have any changes made to bring the rewards into line with the other end game modes.


The upgrade currency would be aspect which only drops on 16+ so your premise is most likely wrong.

This is a joke. Mythic+ is more approachable because it needs less bodies and takes under an hour for a run but mechanically raiding is FAR easier than your typical pull in a mythic+

I work harder to live on any fortified week doing a typical 2-3 pack pull than I do any heroic raid boss to date. Maybe heroic Zzkarn (sp) is up there


Why would players push past 20 atm anyway ?


I mean people did 20+ and up when it was 15s before.

Forcing all to do it for rewards is just not working out it seems.


ROFL, okay buddy. You M+ bros are hilarious sometimes.

Edit: Mr 7/9 heroic lol. Mr doesn’t have anything higher than a +15


Anyone mind explaining this one to me? I don’t see anything mentioning this.

Raiding Normal/Heroic is far, far easier than M+.

In Raid, not on a strict timer and can carry the sub-tank DPS and still succeed where in a M+? Yeah, everyone has to be on at least their B+ game if you want to clear the timer.

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Pugging 20s is pretty terrible atm with a lot of failure points(saying this as someone who got all the 20s done week 2 of the season). I’d rather just cakewalk through 17s in half the time and use my aspect crests which I’m kinda swimming in. My guildies are mainly into D4 so no real key pushing is happening.

Heroic raids were the normal raids back in the day, Mythic raids are way harder than M+.

I’m aware, I was doing old Heroic raiding back when 10 man was able to access the highest raid difficulty and it wasn’t locked behind filling a 20 man roster. We aren’t talking about ‘back in the day’ though.

Mythic raids also reward loot that ends up outshining anything M+ can even hope to achieve at the last few bosses, even from the vault after doing +20s but Mythic Raiding’s rewards were… Strange considering you couldn’t upgrade any of it. The first bosses dropping 441 gear that couldn’t be upgraded being on-par with Heroic gear that was fully upgraded to 441 seems strange, while still having things like 450 Ashkandurs/457 very rares on the last bosses.

This seems to undermine the entire reason they staggered raid item levels for later bosses to begin with.

Harder content = better rewards.

Apparently they are walking that back.