M0 a bit overtuned?


The worst dungeon by far was Siege

It is fine. Biggest issue so far is people feeling they can currently ignore mechanics.

Other than that, pretty smooth sailing. 583 healer here.

“I aint doing Heroics when M0 comes out in a week!”
“Game is boring its too easy”

-M0 drops-
“Nerf it!?!”

Nothing wrong with difficulty if it isnt broken.

If the beta forums were up you’d see that a lot of us called them out on that, repeatedly.

Yet here we are again, repeating DF lies about them having any intention of doing anything about the one shotty nature of the game these days.

After spending several weeks of just mindlessly pulling the whole dungeon in normal/heroic, I’m sure it seems much more difficult when you have to actually do the dungeon and pay attention and things have mechanics

perhaps go back to heroic

I dont think the scaling of mobs is difficult… but last boss of AK is super overtuned for sure.


Make them harder imo.

They are harder… its called m+

Dude has no clue what a 0 is KEKW

Basically. WoW’s population is on the older side for video games and ain’t no one got time to slog through overly hard mythics.

I did some 0s last season and its def not a 10, with people having different gear maybe not optimal stats yet, it felt like 17

No they’re overtuned to certain classes.

This is what people say every expansion launch. It’s fine, we just don’t have the gear yet.

Overtuned? It’s fun as hell, been a while since I’ve done content that it felt like I could die, Tier 8 Delves came close, but Mythics are still more fun.

M0 should be a barrier to entry, not an entry ticket.

Thats actually exactly what they are LOL. They are supposed to get you used to mythic mechanics… mechanics you havent seen yet… Not be a super hard stop.

Most of the M0s are perfectly fine… AK needs a tuning for sure. Siege too.

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They seem okay to me, I did 4 tier 8 delves, stone vault, dawnbreaker, mists, necrotic wake, siege, Ara all 0s and the only issues I had were second boss on mists, and the 1st and second to last boss on siege (siege feels overtuned in general) but I was able to go from 585 to 595 item level with all that, so had a good day.


But our intro to that was being in S3 Patch Gear.

Transitioning into a new patch’s M+ always skips the awkward low-end part of gearing. You’re already strong.

So people are getting hit with what that tuning means when you’re not already geared.

Alright, finished tanking all the M0s for today (started at 571 and ended at 590, and here’s my feedback:

General observations: Everything, literally everything, hits like a truck. Even with Shield Block and IP + Demo shout, one pack can chunk me down to near death. The only meaningful mitigations are the big CD’s like shield wall or CCing enemies with stuns/etc. It seems like there is just a ton of magic damage going out.

Keep in mind, I am avoiding damage bads as much as possible, and still its very easy to get chunked.

Accidentally pulling multiple packs is survivable, but if DPS is slow and/or I don’t have enough CDs up I can die very very quickly.

Bosses: some are really difficult and others are just a cakewalk. For example the final boss in AK is troublesome with the mechanic, but in grim batol the final boss was just tank and spank it felt like.

DPS ultimately seems to determine success of encounters. If DPS is low, healers cannot keep a group or tank alive long enough to clear.

mythic zero is intended as challenging untimed content and you’re undergeared, it’s fine