M0 a bit overtuned?

m0 shouldnt be a cakewalk… but shouldnt be like running a 15 when you dont have the gear to run a 15… this is what it feels like.



When I called this out. Players said. It is skill issue.

They will see more threads like this pop up.


it sounds like you need to get better instead of posting here


Doing just fine as a 588 tank.

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dont worry all the good players will be back to carry in t-minus 3 days. :sweat_smile: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :poop:


didnt blizz say M0’s were going to be like M+10’s from now on? or was that supposed to just be during DF S4?


Did you read the season 4 chart? M0 is now equal to M10 of season 3


so just fold at the first sight of adversity and request it to be nerfed… ok got it


didnt play s4 and thought the scaling idea they did was dumb even then

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I just did M0 Ara-Kara at 574 lmao

It was a challenge and I noticed I was taking a good amount of damage, and bosses required mechanics.

We succeeded, but it was definitely not easy.


Really doesn’t feel much harder to me then usual… think the community just isn’t used to being undergeared.

You have to remember world quest gear is always the mythic zero gear not last tier mythic with trinkets and tier

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i was stuck in a nw 0 for a hour got stuck on third boss never wanted to punch my screen that bad in a long time

We wiped a number of times on it to be sure. I can’t say how long it took. The saving grace was i was always the last man standing so it probably wasn’t my fault. I think.

i just assume anyone failing doesn’t care about mechanics or interrupts


I don’t remember M0s being hard before at launch, but to be honest the one that I did felt like original day 1 TBC heroic dungeons.


Yeah, they said the 0s will feel like a +10 from the last season.
I was bent over and rammed with a cactus.
I’m sure with more gear it’ll be easier. KSM will be a real treat this season.
Better luck with your future runs!

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Hey, this is just as predictable as players posting for delves nerfs today :man_shrugging:t5:

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I’m trying to decide if it’s worth wasting resources upgrading heroic gear to make M0s easier or just struggle bus through them for a few days. Probably the latter, my apologies in advance.

More important, who got the sacbrood? :slight_smile:

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nobody, something else dropped

i got a breastplate tho which was kinda nice

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