M+ title holders & current M+ tank/healer balance issue

Then get out of this thread if you don’t care.

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It’s absolutely negligent they haven’t buffed other specs.

In this case a stronger nerf would have been easier than 4-5 buffs.

They are still tinkering with things like prot warrior’s cheat death talent (which is the worst of any of them). So it’s either an alpha/beta change they pushed to live early or they are actually looking at VDH as okay still and trying to bandaid rando BS.

My guess is they aren’t really bothering with class balancing this season because they are doing class balancing in TWW right now.

Any changes now flow forward into changes they are making in TWW.

Blood DK is only good when gear catches up after season 1. Reason being is their form of mitigation is ironically taking damage which they have to be able to survive and dealing damage which has to be high enough to heal the received damage.

Not every sigil works for every mob pack, but when you have 5 different kinds of sigils it really doesn’t matter.

The mob pack can’t be silenced? just throw out a few Chains to force move them with some of the Fear sigils in between CDs. They can’t be forced moved but silenced? throw out Silence sigil while using flame sigil to restore CDs.

To be honest VDH should only have Silence sigil and Chain sigil would put it more in line with other tanks utility. I hate to advocate for ability pruning but when it causes problems is fair.

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There is probably a question of if titles should exist at all based around infinite scaling.

the only “meme” this season is blizzards inability to balance anything whatsoever


I think having both is fine. Just not together. IMO Chains/Silence should be mutually exclusive and/or share charges with the Fear sigil. Also any Sigil CC reduction should ONLY work for damage Sigils.

Which is a VERY extreme nerf, but DH’s are just that far ahead utility wise.

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If VDH and RDruid were completely removed from the game…

Would the numbers redistribute evenly across the other tanks/healers…?

Or would they all dogpile onto the next best thing and the disparity remain the same?

The gap between second and third place is a lot lower than the gap between first and second.

For Tanks, the second most popular Tank is Prot Paladin at 15.4% representation (M+, 10s or higher). Then BDK’s at 12.6, Bears at 10%, Prot Warriors at 7% and BrM at 4.4%.

VDH’s are at 50.6%.

The difference between first place and second is a factor of 3.3. The difference between second and third is 1.2.

Healers aren’t as extreme as Tanks (R Druid has 29.5% of the share at 10s or higher). Holy (Priest) is the second most popular at 19.5% then RSham and MW are at 14.8% respectively.

It wouldn’t flow into each spec equally, more people would prefer Prot Paladin and H Priest over BDK/RSham, but yeah, if you deleted VDH/RDruid the balance of Tanks and Healers would improve.

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People flock to the best so the redistributive effect won’t be proportional.

Next FOTM, would be prot paladin more than likely.

thats not the point

the point is that every spec/class should be viable to a reasonable extent

“oh ppl are just gonna flock to the next best thing” thats because of B A D balance and you’re conditioned to it at this point which is why anyone is even thinking about that.

bad game design is entirely why that occurs in the first place

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Balance? At this point most groups will one shot any raid sans mythic SoO. I should know, that is what I have been doing and it seems like the meta gem magical chair ended with lifestorm being the winner.

Well that’s where we might get lost in the weeds.

Is top 0.1% = “reasonable extent”

Seems every spec is viable in 90+% of content.

u are just… not understanding the point at all then

if the other tanks were even remotely decent in truly difficult content, they would have significantly higher %'s, and they dont, due to bad game design

“well just play meta slave stuff to get ur title whats the problem, thats not blizzards fault!” lol ok

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Ah yes the classic, attack anyone who doesn’t echo your opinion.

I’m merely asking questions.

explain how i’m “attacking” you

if you truly think that’s me “attacking” you, you need to turn off the monitor and go outside to touch grass

When anyone doesn’t echo your opinion you just claim they are not understanding and tell them to go touch grass.

This isn’t your diary, it’s an open discussion.

You said every spec should be viable to a reasonable extent.

I asked if top 0.1% was reasonable extent.

You complain about disparity between tanks/healers.

I asked if the disparity would improve if they were removed.

You then claim I don’t understand and need to touch grass. :man_shrugging:

this is the apparent “attacking” that you’re referring to. ok

just because you dont want to discuss the point i made doesn’t mean its “attacking” you

its not an open discussion when u revert to “oh so u want an echo chamber” clearly not

There will always be a FotM, but the gap between Prot Paladin and BDK isn’t nearly as large as the gap between Prot Paladin and VDH is.

I’m too lazy to do the math, but if VDH was deleted tomorrow and every current VDH rerolled, they’d have go Prot Paladin at a ratio of 4:1 to Blood (assuming none of them go the other tanks to maintain the current ratio between the #1 and #2 tanks.

Tanks tend to be more fotm-y than other roles, my guess is that the kind of person who enjoys tanking enjoys it regardless of what spec they’re tanking as, but I don’t think the shift would be nearly that extreme.