M+ title holders & current M+ tank/healer balance issue

Lol, I didn’t play BFA but at least since then we haven’t had triple stack comps.

I wonder if title being acc-wide is a mistake, lmao

Everybody just fotms over to the latest thing pushes title then goes back to their preferred chars

Thanks for posting this. What a complete joke.

I am not sure if we had a spec since then that was strong enough to warrant triple stacking anyway, but I believe Blizzard prohibited stacking same specs in MDI a bit after triple outlaw became meta.

yeah but nobody cares about m+ titles

at all

Key pushing is a bit niche considering how disrespectful of players time it really is

Agree with that. Resto druid in particular. Healers are among the more flexible in meta comps. It just comes down to how much damage they can contribute outside of healing. Resto druid is probably default this season and last since it brings a brez with no one else in the meta comp having one. Holi Pali just isn’t at a good spot atm to compete for the healer spot despite having a brez.

Key things seem to be to include an Aug, a priest for PI, a high pumping aoe caster dps, and whatever tank is broken op in the season.

Lmao, that’s some seriously bad flavor-of-the-month.

And yes, it was this bad in prior expansions too, I remember BfA and SL M+ class representation as well.

PvP is no better, to be honest…

Blizzard can’t balance the classes out of a wet paper bag.

BFA also made class buffs less relevant due crafted item power, so class stacking was less of a penalty.

Ya, it clearly has nothing to do with it being a filler season between DF and TWW launch… just like the end of S4 in SL or BFA, no one cares, DF ended with season 3

and with how TWW is looking, BDK is probably gonna be best tank for season 1

All further class balance will take place in TWW. Thank you for your understanding.

It’s a meme season, who cares.

Double stack survival in SL was a thing at one point. I think I saw a quite a few groups in the aoe heavy dungeons like hoa.

BDK has historically been weak S1 because if health pools.

VDH lose none of their CC, which is what is generating the above disparity.

I fully expect VDH to remain top of the heap if we’re just doing a tuning pass with no mechanic changes for s1.

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not every sigil works on every mob, and based on how players playing Blood DK in the beta are talking about how it feels, it’s gonna be really good for S1.

I suspect VDH will be up there too, but Blood DK is looking really good again

There’s no m+ on the beta yet. BDK always feels good until a random dog one shots you on a mid fortified key.

I have high hopes, but unless they remove illuminated Sigils and buff the coverage of WotN for DK to like ~50%, I don’t see it changing.

Let alone bears. BDK is picking up extra CC going into TWW at least. Bears are not even able to activate all their hero talents. Me to Mom: Mom! All my talents are for lunar beam, can we get some? Mom to me: you got lunar-beam money?

But anyway. There’s nothing to suggest right now that tank balance is changing. VDH dps is not why they are king of S3-S4.


2 of those 3 guardian Druid are the same person, too.

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Okay so pvpers can have multiple partners or queue diff comps and have alts, or leapfrog shuffle but why would somebody setup multiple keystone chars omg you don’t lose io :dracthyr_crylaugh:

They really shouldn’t do titles this season. If they’re going to completely ignore balance because it’s a fake season, there shouldn’t be title rewards. It’s crazy that double sigils has survived this long and that it hasn’t been removed in beta.

I dunno, you’d have to ask them.