WOW always had top end content out of reach.
And still does.
WOW always had top end content out of reach.
And still does.
False, no its not.
Look at me, casual AF, and in mtrack gear (on heal and tank).
I tell you this, the moment I cannot obtain it, sub would be cancelled, trust I would not be alone.
Mythic raid has desirable items. How valuable gear is, isn’t solely decided by an ilvl number.
I am a normal person,
I do not want to wipe 700 times on Tindral.
But once again, the moment I cannot obtain max level gear, I am out.
But that’s skill based.
It’s out of reach for other people. It’s not like world quests and heroic dungeons which are meant to be completed by everyone.
This can remain identical too. That’s the problem. You cannot tell who’s good and who’s not. And if you lower the rewards and everyone can have it, this problem gets worse, because gear lets them fail upwards farther and faster.
I never claimed the problems go away. I said they get lessened, and they escalate when you lower that threshold.
I just ran a quick 10 SoB for the vault. Took a BM Hunter. Was 627 ilvl, 2440 io or something like that. Had all 9s timed, a few 2-3 chested, and ready to break into 10s, so figured why not.
He was 7 of 14 deaths
Pulled 4 packs from bad tab targetting - one of which caused a wipe and put us at like 110%
Died and used up all Brezzes on last boss
Popped his heal ability (30% health) at 90% health every single time
And did less damage than I did as a tank overall
I mean we still timed it with like 5 minutes left, but still. If you had given this person this level of gear at a much faster rate, he’d be bricking peoples keys during the time that people are pushing 10s and not farming 10s.
All the while having the proper io / ilvl
Faux is talking about it in a broader scope. WoW always had top tier gear that was unobtainable for the masses. Your counter was anecdotal and only about you.
Your confidence is impressive. You are wrong, but still, its impressive.
Nah he is pretty right. Got KSH from fresh in a week and a half and what he says holds up.
People forget 10s are designed for people at 610ilv give or take. People who are at 630+ and struggling would never time them early on.
Idk who was complaining about keys in Shadowlands. The neat thing about infinite scaling is that people seeking challenges will hit it somewhere. As someone who hates them and only did them for loot, I burned out doing 20s in DF and just called retail quits until something changes.
because you play for loot.
The game should not cater to people who do.
I’m not arguing against that at all.
Refer to my full post that he commented on. He’s ignoring a myriad of ways that you can make your best guess at a player’s skill level and acting as if ilvl is the biggest determining factor… and acting as if having moved myth gear from 8s to 10s is solving that problem (despite giving an anecdote in this current season where he’s still having the problem of people with somewhat decently high ilvls being bad).
Within a certain ilvl range for a key level, ilvl really should be one of the lowest determining factors when choosing who to bring to your key.
I don’t think so. Blizzard pushes the rewards further and further up the totem pole each expansion and people eat it up. Used to get max gear from a +10 back in BfA. And that was like an m0 by todays standards
Loot was worse, and it was easier to get.
You know that everyone who raids mythic would stop playing wow if there would be no more loot.
They dont, I litearlly watched 20+ people opt out of playing whatsoever because of that,
mind you they were DPS, healers and tanks on a decent level, pugging too.
So no, nobody ate it up, community suffering because people left.
What you dont know is Ion is hateful person with agenda,
he wont admit mistake unless corporation will make him fix the game which he is ruining.
That’s exactly what you’re arguing against.
I’m not ignoring anything as I know the ways. The point is, if you lower the threshold for top level gear, the people who don’t belong in that tier of gear will acquire it sooner, and be in the masses who do belong it, giving you the above scenario at an earlier stage in the game where skill > gear comes in to play.
Also infinitely easier to get
Again, with each expansion they look at the player base and what’s being done and player power and adjust numbers accordingly.
+15 in BFA
+15 in SL with great vault giving increased rewards
+18 in DF (also extremely easy season)
+20 (essentially) in TWW. But removed affixes, added +20% stat buffs every 2 minutes, and gave us hero talents
They’re all about the same level difficulty for the max level rewards
.0002% of the player base. Nice!
My own opinion and I feel like I repeat this all the time is that blizzard doesn’t want people to get easy gear in mythic+ because of raids. If they could ever separate mythic+ gear from raid gear I feel like it would be the best for both modes. But so long as they’re connected each side will get hamstrung
bro hasn’t even done a 20 lol
I played BfA it was +10 each week for max gear
15 was only to max the end of dungeon drop. 10 was all you did if you werent grinding them.