Literally said I got it last season of BFA and season 1 of Shadowlands, I go for mounts when I like em, just like I got KSM this season?
Hes nor questioning when you got them. He’s claiming 2 seasons of KSM 6-7 years isnt a lot of experience to stand on to claim youre informed to give a “proper” perspective
I think the issue with your post is your bare minimum participation, then you wrote a novel about m+.
I did 20’s and beyond in previous seasons. Rewards stopped at +20. You argue about lack of rewards.
It’s not always about the next shiny. Sometimes it’s for the fun of it.
Tbh it’s a lot of paragraphs, which makes it difficult to read and what I did read just comes off as noise.
I think the concept being espoused is that the game, and by proxy Ion, ‘wins’ if there’s greater participation. And the greater participation can be “enticed” by making the first couple of Mythic raid bosses relatively simple mechanically - a kind of “see, it’s not so bad, why don’t you put a group together weekly to kill these 3-4 bosses and maybe prog a bit?”
Healing is also harder than it’s ever been. Let’s take 2 roles that have a shortage and make them even worse to play
I wouldn’t read into it that far. They look for any reason to blame ion lol.
I literally said I got KSM and quit, yall’s reading comprehension is out of this world. I ran a few later and decided I don’t even like m+ this season.
Where did my reading comprehension fail?
I quite literally said you barely did any m+ lol.
Called that one too rofl.
So again, where did my reading comprehension fail?
I think I hit the nail on the head.
yeah, i don’t think pointing it at Ion makes for a compelling argument, but i’m just reasoning out what I believe to be the main thrust of the argument. Or, hell, maybe I’m wrong. That’s very plausible too.
Oh, if it came across as if i’m some masterful keystone pusher, that wasn’t my intent. I just pushed for keys the seasons I wanted since BFA as a tank so I was giving my perspective from that frame of refrence, no I haven’t played every season of M+ which is why I made the casual argument multiple times because I usually have time to focus on one aspect of the game most seasons due to time constraints and am not constantly only in M+ and raids.
You should check out their post history. I’ve been unfortunate to read them live.
Most posts usually devolve into “ION” - angry gargling noises.
Yes, I do do M+ for rewards and not just the fun of it, just like almost every aspect of this game. Don’t run raids if I don’t need an upgrade of cosmetic, don’t run dungeons for same reason, doesn’t really take away from my argument I dont think.
I wouldnt say you have an informed perspective then. Thats the issue at hand and what’s being brought to light
Its hard to use a perspective when it hasnt seen most of the ups and downs and stayed in the the relative easy levels of the content.
It just…comes off wrong
I disagree, I think i’ve seen a relativley decent amount of first hand experience in the seasons I wanted to push in, and I know from guildies who used to play and friends that despite me not playing M+ for certain seasons, tanking was not too different in comparison to what it is now so saying that someone who hasn’t played every season of m+ as a tank can’t have an opinion seems reductive.
In addition to this, it was more so to simply state that I wasn’t a +5 tank or dps complaining about the modern state of m+ but I have pushed keys for the highest rewards for the respective seasons and that this season seems irregularly less fun and more difficult.
Grizzle said it better imo.
It’s not your opinion that’s the problem. Your title is “perspective of a previous key pusher”, but your experience and even what you are saying says otherwise.
Going just for just rewards doesn’t really make you a key pusher. Especially when you stop at ksm.
This as well.
If it’s brain dead then casuals have access to end game gear right there.
Ah see what your saying, sorry if I came across harsh. Maybe I used the wrong word, I pushed for the highest keys that gave the highest rewards and I enjoyed it maybe some keys over that but still, this season, not so much, giving my opinion from that perspective then.
I mean you are right. They are definitely harder this season, but you also have to remember they deleted sub 10 keys.
And if I am comparing 10s to 20s. I think the difficulty seems more or less the same in the dungeons I’ve done. I’ve also been doing them at around 620ilvl lol.
Exactly this,
I did KSH on VDH and RSHAM, and I am done,
I wouldve played other tanks and heals if mtrack was granted after completing 7+,
I aint grinding from zero again,
and also I refuse to participate in craft system.
Maybe that’s the issue too then, from what I remember, at +15, a +7 by today’s standard, you would start recieving mythic loot. Now it’s a +20, making a game harder doesn’t necessarily make it more fun and imo experience. It’s not like a +15 was a cake walk for the majority of the playerbase and increasing it to +20 makes no sense to me either.