Has anyone else encountered an issue with The Fallen Protectors where they are not existing their injured state? If you have, have you figured out a work around?
Edit, it’s an on going issue.
If you’re encountering the issue, I’d suggest posting there.
This one is too far gone. She fails to understand that she is the real heretic. May this mindless wretch soon be freed from her curse upon the edge of a runeblade.
Ok I tried killing them one at a time slowly. Started with Rook. He summoned only one add and it was the Fire Bomb one. He didn’t get up after I killed it.
The I took out Sun to see how it would go down, same thing. She summoned her Pandaren of Anquish, but once defeated, she didn’t get back up.
Unfortunately, I can’t do that. One you get them down ~40% they auto go into their meditative state when adds are supposed to be summoned and then defeated.