They have 11 levels and you can go up to 619 gear
See what? There’s nothing new at work here… time the key you want to app to or at least have one level below that done at ++ or you’re not getting an invite. Plenty of dos to choose from and it’s never been about being qualified for the content… it’s about being qualified compared to others apping.
No one who is good enough to get invited will want to us the queue button. It’s just a recipe for getting stuck with all the terrible players who couldn’t get into keys. Have fun with barely there dps and undergeared tanks and healers… none of which know mechanics and dungeon tech.
Getting a tank in LFG is hard enough. No sane tank is gonna use a queue.
The queue can easily fill in the usual requirements a group needs with tanks/healers/buffs/ranged/melee/interrupts.
They could also make a proving grounds that doesn’t suck.
If you can’t form a group then go do delves, they seem more catered to your skill level anyway.
That’s fine.
Then be happy with the solo content you get rewarded with.
Myth track rewards from mplus require coordination and difficulty that isn’t even coming close in delves.
In no world should delves ever reward mythic track gear. Be happy with hero track.
Eventually, everyone will see that m+++++++++++++++++++++++ is boring and not fun. I honestly would petition to remove the 4 raid difficulties and 13 mythic difficulties in favor of tiered dungeons like vanilla.
Sure… as long as what we end up with is mythic raid, m+ 10, a ridiculously op level of m+, and delve +8 for the solo noobs to languish in for the rest of eternity. Welcome back to tbc.
so you would rather have a 5 min dungeon that dissolves after someone quits?
M+ in DF S3 had solid scaling. There were difficulty spikes but they weren’t too messy and you could relatively easily get into the m+ flow asap you hit max level.
All they had to do was remove either every odd level or thirds… But no, they sawed off the bottom stairs instead.
I would rather just have a dungeon that is over when I finish the last boss. Then, I go to the next adventure instead of running the same place 50 times.
nobody is forcing you to do this? plus you obviously didnt understand that i ment people will quit and brick keys even more if a queue is implemented
I just think it’s funny that folks think any Tank or Healer is gonna choose the option to auto-queue with braindead morons and floor-lickers over a pre-group that’s tailor-made for success.
Would mental breaks down be allowed for m+ solo queue? I’m going to n eed if I am going to play a healer. DPS can get a bit frustrating.
I like the DPS that think they will get into a mythic 2 pug with sub 600 gear when there are 1000 people willing to do it at 610+.
That’s like saying all the other solo queue options for all the other streams of content were also a waste of time. Very short-sighted.
I’ve never understood how m+ is setup. Keys should have been predicted to be an issue due to locks. No queue means you eliminate a huge portion of the playerbase due to not wanting to build a group, and also the elitist factor means the m+ population will struggle to maintain and especially grow.
Using gear score to qualify people initially and rating to group people with those who have equal skill level. You would see a surge in interest immediately and after the new wears off, there would be consistent growth as m+ would no longer be subject to such difficulties in getting in or building groups.
Additionally, ditching keys is important. They were antiquated when they were implemented. Not having them as a factor would mean your lockouts would be stored like every other lockout and affixes can either be randomized for each group, or they can change weekly, however Blizz would choose,but keys need to go.
Players just want to be lazy, press a button and wait for the queue to pop instead of putting in effort to find, or make a group.
I get the appeal of an M+ queue, but people don’t realise just how bad it will be getting any random combination of players and why many of us who run high keys refuse to pug.
Or, just as realistically, you get tanks who (despite being at an appropriate ilvl), still manage to die when pulling single packs.
post on your main. because i guarantee you’re one of those people who are barley 2kio applying for 10s.