M+ solo queue is much needed!

Me over here at 1800 scared to queue into 7’s :sob:

Idk how people are so brazen.

People really chomped on a classic poster who made the thread and dipped with the name ‘Jokes on u’

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You’re commenting on something you can’t even comprehend.

No devs should not offer mythic track gear because they aren’t difficult enough. This game rewards gear based on difficulty of content.

On top of that I’d rather not have delves be mandatory every week.

Your entire comment screams like you have no idea what you’re talking about.

have you ever played sports ? lol

I’d laugh if they implemented it. Imagine all the tears.

The issue with finding groups is that there are significantly more dps trying to join groups than tanks and heals.

If there was a queue system, you would still be waiting for an hour because… there are significantly more dps trying to join groups than tanks and healers.

It’s also a recipe for disaster. Randomly assembling a group for difficult content sounds terrible.

More people need to play tank and heals, join guilds, play with friends, start their own groups.

When implementing a queue system for m+, then tanks and heals would create these queues with min gear / min rio requirement and limit it to the top.

So new players will never get a chance and in the end we would get the same situation as we already have now.

No. I want to build my group to make the run smooth. Not get three random dps who I have no idea on score or skill. Worst idea there. Keep the queue pick up groups to normal heroic dungeons.

Leave mythic plus alone. It’s challenging enough without spinning a wheel to see what classes you get.

People being selective about who they group with means when I get invited I know the group is qualified. It has been very pleasant.

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The same arguments were made when it was announced that LFG would include raiding and people have managed to sort it out.

Yes, m+ is far more difficult than heroic dungeons or LFR raids, but that doesn’t mean that a queue system would not work. Again, gear score (just like currently with any LFG dungeon or raid) will determine if can even queue, then your mythic rating can be used to group you with people closer to your skill level.

It’s not a perfect idea, but it would help those that wish to run m+ but don’t because of the current situation. Additionally, creating your own groups through custom lfg, guild, friends, or shouting in /2 would still be options. This would simply be one more avenue.

It would work similar to the current LFG system so no, what you’re saying would not happen.

As you just pointed out, you can queue for LFR, not Normal, heroic, or mythic raid.

LFR existing isn’t a good analogue for M+ random queues working.

What situation? Lack of tanks and heals? That will still exist in a queue system.

M+ is fine as is. Especially after they revamped it by stripping out the lower difficulty versions.

LFG dungeons work because the difficulty is set low enough to ensure the dungeon will be completed each time. That is not going to be the case when you randomly queue into difficult dungeons.

People need to realize this. Or play with friends and start your own groups.

Pug groups are miserable enough as it is. Why add further RNG to it?

No thanks,

Each slot would have to have at least 1 bres class and 1 lust, which would make all them other specs piled into a greater queue that would take longer.

Because no one is gonna do a m+ without lust or bres

Blizzard could just make healers and tanks easy to play, and make getting the best gear in m+ easy to achieve.

All this was done in S3 of DF and it was a massive success.

Waits for tank and healers were also way less of a problem in BFA S2, S3 and S4, where playing tanks and healers were kind of a joke.

There is no need for a solo queue. Just make healers and tanks the easiest roles and the waiting will sort itself out. With dps applying as tanks and healers for faster games and easier climb to max ilvl.


They deserve the option to.

If you want the auto-queue experience, you can manually re-create it right now:

  1. List a group for your key
  2. accept applicants on a pure FCFS basis

Then you basically have an auto-queue.

This is where I disagree, and it’s obvious you’re not considering the totality of what I have stated.

A M+ queue would operate much like the current LFG system BUT, it would handle the qualification for you. So, before someone could even enter the queue, they would have to meet item level thresholds depending upon the difficult they wish to run. So, the same principal as normal vs. heroic dungeons, or the difference in qualifying for different wings of a raid.

Once a person is qualified to even queue, their rating determines the people they group with. This means lower rated players are not holding back higher rated groups and higher rated players are not stuck in a group with people well below them thus, creating a situation where one person has to try and carry the whole group.

It takes bias out of the group creation equation and encourages new players to give m+ a try by making joining easier.

Indeed! I would rather wait an hour in que then be declined for 10 hours

Kind of embarrassing considering I never mentioned the mythic track loot. I was discussing the crests. In your efforts to come off as informed, you did anything but.

Nah what’s really embarrassing in your attempt to look informed.

Here I’ll give you the play by play

You basically responded into a conversation talking about mythic track being rewarded from delves.

The irony considering you responded to me in a. Conversation about myth track gear and don’t even realize it.

Just take the L and move on.