M+ Smoldering Hero Title -- Final

TBF, making the adjustments and letting us test it for them is the only way it gets valid updates.

Sry if this was alrdy said, just wanted to make note.

Also @ the 3k part, first off congrats that’s higher than a LARGE % of players! But to the concern, it’s CRAZY far from the title. Yeah the extra 500+ is a joke between 1k-2k, but from 3k to 3500 is pretty darn rough. You start hitting Meta-limits, where it’s actually not possible unless you check certain boxes in comp structure.

I’m not sure where everyone else’s complaint comes from, but I know mine’s less about “IT EXISTS I HATE IT” and it’s more of “Well there’s no reason to try 2x harder…I’ll just wait the extra 5 mins for the broken support to queue up so there’s a lower chance that my Key I worked so hard to push goes -1”

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Can we get the final update on this post?, since we didnt get the final hour for the cut this tier.

There is a monumental difference between 3k and even 3.3k, much less .5 or .6. My issue with these conversations is that 99pct of the people saying, “whelp, aug is mandatory again” are not even close to title players. They’re people who are trying to pug into 25s they don’t already have timed on FAR off meta specs, not getting invited, blaming aug. News flash for those guys, even I, a holy paladin, gets declined for keys I don’t already have timed sometimes. And that’s as a healer. DPS this is multiplied by x100.


Yeah that’s very fair, but it’s still “Just easier” with aug, even if it’s not MANDATORY. In a system that punishes you for failure (-1 key level), with random toxic people who just leave on first death, the average player will do whatever they can to optimize their odds at success.

But this forum is absolutely FLOODED with people who’s highest key is a +9 trying to tell me that my suggestion on an affix in a +24 is incorrect. So there’s no getting around that no matter how logical you are sadly.

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Dragons are ugly

This is why I gave up trying anything acheivement orientated in this game. How is making things for .01% of players helpful or motivating? It isn’t. I used to run with guilds that did acheievements all the time but guess who isn’t playing anymore–most of them.

I still do not understand how this is not updated per spec. The gap between the specs able to get this and not grows every patch.

This isn’t going to change anything, the same people getting title will still get it rerolling off meta and getting 4/5 meta boosted.

It would increase the pool and would make some specs be represented at all.

It would not increase the pool.

Taking the top 0.1% of each spec in mythic plus is the same total number as taking the top 0.1% of all specs combined.

It would add some spec rep, from the same people already getting title just on a new character, and maybe that is good enough?

It would let people who only play 1 spec even have a chance at getting it, and would be a dynamic score requirement, and would absolutely increase the pool. There are specs that dont get within hundreds of points of the score.

Math dictates it’s the same number of title spots.

Top 0.1% of each of the 39 spec added together = the same number of spots as the total top 0.1%.

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I hear your point, there would be equal distribution amongst the classes and allow for other specs to get the title feel, and yes there is a disparity this season (like most frankly but pretty high this year). I did some estimates and it looks like ~85% of all likely title players will be classes from the meta/ Exodia comp. 200+ Aug evokers will get title, versus only about 15 rogues (an “A” tier class, but not meta). So the idea of incentivizing the other specs to get play is cool. And maybe there will be some trolling with big players boosting devastation evokers or MM hunters to get them title, but to exploit is human nature lol (and probably wouldn’t happen as much as you’d think).

However where I think the issue lies, and maybe it’s fixed with a forced distribution, is IO disparity matching performance. If it’s balanced across specs then about 60 of each spec would get it (provided equal representation). A top 0.1% MM hunter is currently 3180 but a 0.1% Aug would be 3839. I feel like it would cause people who are seriously chasing to actively avoid specs that work well that season to avoid running in to the buzzsaw of the upper elite players, and could cause a strain on progression as a whole (for example in mid 20 keys it may be impossible to find Augs because they don’t want to bother farming IO for an unlikely title and would rather play deva or some meme C tier thing).

Pros and cons to both, idk which to choose :sunglasses:, except I’d rather just see more balance as a whole so that you don’t have to hyper focus one spec to get it.

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When do the titles actually go out now that the season is over?

The achievement usually pops on your screen in the first couple of weeks of next season; just be patient.

If the title changes to 0.1% of each spec, it will solve and break another thing since many people will opt to play non-meta specs to get the title easier, like back when the title was separated horde and alliance. Some people decided to change the faction to earn the title because their actual faction was too high. Meta = more competitive, and getting the title with a meta spec will be hard. Non-meta will be a meme title.

maybe. but i do think that the spec difference is too great for a non meta spec to show up in the 0.1% over all.

as such, my suggestion is to have BOTH. have the title still be 0.1% over all but it be account wide or account extending( if 2 characters on the account get in the bracket, the second character qualifies for the title as well but does not shrink the available slots for the title.)

additionally, have a spec related achievement (not title) for the 0.1% of each spec. so even if a spec is basically never played, you could still end up being in like the top 100 with a much lower score. this is simply a notation of relative skill seen within the spec itself, and as an achievement only and not a title, its not a way around to getting the title.

Pfft… gave up chasing the title dream this season when the “comp” was the only ones going higher than 21. I didn’t even bother to get 3k lol. Just wasn’t worth the hassle of trying to find a competent group that wasn’t building the meta comp group and would take other classes/specs. shrug Is what it is. On to season 3.

I’m sure there’s more people now but last I checked when it was 3553, there were around 1261 people that fit that 3553 and like 750 of them were mages and only 75 were hpals (approximate)

Fwiw I finished at 3565 which was rank 215 among Hpals specifically, so however you checked that must have been, well, off. There were likely around 230ish hpals who qualified for title, if i were to guess based on me being 215th