M+ queue dead

Many people enjoy doing m+. Or hanging out with guildies.

But it is not required. Yes, it is optional.

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I wonder if your guild knows it’s optional. Maybe float that next raid tier and let people skip their chest during progression and see how it works out for you.

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I appreciate you caring so much about my guild you feel inclined to make things up about it.

While I am actually physically in the guild and know how things work, you took 3 seconds and know everything.

I have characters I haven’t played M+ with, yet they have AOTC.

You can get PvP gear in just a few hours.

People also wait for disc priests only in keys, meanwhile I am doing 500-600k DPS as a Mistweaver…

You’re making a huge assumption that they find that other content enjoyable. I sure as heck don’t and I don’t think it’s a stretch to assume they don’t either.

If WoW is only about M+ for you, you’re clearly missing out on a lot.

I wouldn’t say I’m missing it.

Yes and No. M+ was insanely overtuned and the raid which was overtuned got nerfed into the group. So much so that by week 6 (when you and I both killed it), it fell over in normal gear (on heroic). Normally, gearing is MUCH faster and I am AOTC week 3-4 (season 1) and AOTC week 1-2 (seasons 2-4). If gearing was faster on release and the raid was tuned harder, then M+ would be more necessary.

Yes and No what?

My guild didnt require m+.

It normal seasons, it would have taken you til the end of the season to get AOTC. But with the massive nerfs and awful gearing u got lucky

I’ve pugged AOTC on week one more than once, so I don’t know that I agree with you.


Not sure what that has to do with the conversation taking place.

It was asked if there are AOTC guilds that do not require m+.

optional doesn’t mean banned.

Most AOTC guilds that don’t do M+ don’t get AOTC…It’s a pipedream

Doing M+ is different from requiring m+.

I am sure most AOTC guilds require M+.


No I was referring to my posts that was not a complaint.

My guild on my main (not this character) doesn’t require M+ and had two raid groups get AotC. Doing M+ helped the first raid group get it well before the other, though. Most of the second raid group avoided M+. The gear buffs here at the end of the season have been quite strong.

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I don’t think people are saying ban it. Leave it in the game. Just take away the gearing aspect of it and make it a pure challenge mode. Keep the titles and mounts and all of that, just take away getting gear. That takes away the ‘requirement’ aspect of it.

I didn’t do challenge mode in MoP. It didn’t matter to me. The people that did it, loved it. If they attached gear to it, I would’ve quit in MoP. And I actually did quite a bit of M+ in Legion and BFA on a shaman and rogue so I wasn’t always against it.

But back then it was new and exciting. Now it’s a job. It’s another checklist item that gives rewards that skipping out will end up just shooting yourself in the foot in the long-term.

You’re actively gimping yourself which in turn gimps yourself even more due to not being able to get into higher keys to continue the grind or Pug raids due to lower iLvl and no M+ rating and even WQ mobs and delves being harder due to lower power level.

I don’t ever see them removing it so really this is all moot and we are fighting over theoreticals.


but dont they do that above +8 or w/e already?

gear prog in wow has been nonexistent for a decade. it’s depressing.