M+ queue dead

Skiped one week, trying to 10 8/8 for vault,
queue is flat dead for 10 keys.


Thanks for the update.


RaiderIO is showing your last key completed at over 2 weeks ago.

I play a blood dk in m+. Not really pushing this season, and sticking mainly with +10s-- after getting the portals-- for the purpose of getting alternate gear choices for pvp. And my invites to groups are almost INSTANT. I mean, I don’t have time to app to more than 3 groups before someone invites me.

So, no, “dead” is the completely wrong way to phrase it.

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Good. M+ is a terrible game mode.


If you’re not being invited to a +10 key, it only means that people can see how you’ve completed your +10 keys before.

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… DK being DK
let me explain one more time,
I get instant invites, we are sitting waiting for heals for eternity…

forum clowns get auto summoned to such threads or smth?


I think the longest I have waited, this season, was 5 minutes for a healer (that might even be an exaggeration).

I played a pretty awesome hpal in DF, and part of the reason I went tank, in tww, was because healers are just easier to find.

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It’s the end of the season I’m not shocked


There isn’t a M+ queue, but there are several 10s listed at all hours of the day.

That is what I am calling “dead”,
very few runs tho.


Well to be fair, that info wasn’t in your original post so “forum clowns” will make assumptions! :stuck_out_tongue:


Can only run one at a time. Apply to the first 10 without a tank and go. Simple solution

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Pugging is pretty dead this season. Everyone swapped to running with statics because of the increased coordination checks, and the state of tanks and healers makes it too much of a time sink to play with randos.

Do yourself a favor and join a mid level guild. There will usually be a few key groups you could squeeze into if you’re good at politics.

Now queue as DPS, go on, I dare you.

I get near instant invites to M+ as tank also, that’s nothing new, there are no tanks and healers compared to DPS.

Or just try listing a ‘key’, just put up a DB10 for 2 minutes while you are in tank spec and see just how many people apply, you can choose anyone, and I mean anyone. Want 3 ranged warlocks all at 636 iLVL with a 3K+ IO? Maybe 3 rogues who are sitting at 590 iLVL with zero IO? They will all show up asking for an invite.


It’s certainly not dead, but it’s also not as lively as it used to be even this late into the season.

end of a season will do that

if you cant get into keys then your prob a dps. go tank, your class has that option unlike alot of us

if your still not getting in it may be something like your tryin to get into keys over your io or another tanks with a higher io is also trying to get into the same key

welcome to the dps life. but we have to wait for healers AND a tank

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It takes about 5-10 minutes to get into a group. I am not sure if that is a lot worse than you are used to but it is a little worse than I am used to.

organized play organically developing is a good thing.

Sole reason I won’t play retail ever again unfortunately

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