M+ queue dead

Well if you’ve ever listed your own key you would know, once you have a tank or healer you get tons of DPS applying, it’s nothing new, been like that forever.

Maybe you should try playing the game some more.

i don’t bother with 5mans much after I’m done leveling. That’s entry level content. i worry about bigger things.

You: “You are wrong”

Also you: “I don’t even play the game”

You do realise 5 mans also includes M+, which isn’t ‘entry level content’.

5man stuff is side distractions. Raiding is the real game. Once you’re done leveling, of course. The rest is for kids.

Higher chance to be carried
Lower personal responsibility levels
Mistakes are more forgiving
Less kit utilization to be successful

I dont really see it lol


Man you stole my lines.

Maybe because he was doing other things? I am also doing from 8 to 10. I preferred to advance my professions, and for that it was necessary to advance alts.
Maybe M+ should be a separate game, because in fact it already is. Something like Hardcore, a separate and optional game.
Players playing +10 M is the only part of the game they participate in. If they do mythical Raid it is only for items that are useful to them. There is no other facet of the game that interests them. I think it should be separated.

HID level projections going on here

This new?

Its that LFR mode that doesnt let anyone with a higher ilvl than you roll on gear and all gear is Mythic track

i know. it’s awesome. all about the teamwork, not singleplayer stuff.

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Ah yes. 20 people to cover 2 interrupts vs 5 people to cover 8 intterupts.

But jokes aside, i wish there was a way to opt in to get targetted by mechanics every round. Id take a hit to my DPS just to make sure the mechanic was done properly

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We joke about this but man that would be great

Oh no im not joking about this. I would be my raid teams designated mechanic…'er? Guild members are usually pretty good about it but we always pug a few in and those are the ones who tend to drop the ball.

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I don’t think its ridiculous to point out that your life choices may have made you a less attractive prospect when it comes to being invited to the party.

If I can get instant invites as a tank, then I do not see a reason you cannot-- unless you are unwilling.

Proactive mitigation works better than a reactive defense. Should keep you from dying in the future.

If you don’t like M+, you can just stop playing it instead of uninstalling the game. You still have raids, delves, various PvP modes, and tons of casual content to enjoy.

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that’s a solid point. i bet the queue is “dead” in a positive way :slight_smile:

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Find one serious guild that gets AotC that doesn’t require you to do M+ and then we can stop calling it optional.

I’m sure the rated PvP groups just let you jump right in with no PvP gear, right? You don’t have to grind unrated to get basic stuff.

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Awesome. My guild. We have two AOTC raid teams. Neither team requires M+ to participate in heroic raiding and get AOTC.

TBH I have never heard of an AOTC guild that requires M+.

So it’s complete coincidence that the entirety of your raiding team has an M+ rating with +10s/11s? Gotcha yeah optional

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