M+ pushing made easier in S2!

Let’s gooooo!

  • New account wide achievement: The War Within Keystone Legend: Season Two
    • Requirement: Attain a Mythic+ Rating of at least 2850 during The War Within Season Two.

    • Reward: Failing to clear a Mythic+ dungeon within the timer will no longer reduce the level of your Keystones below 12 for the season.

    • Keystone from the weekly vault will not decay below level 12 with this achievement.

    • Keystone can still be lowered below level 12 by speaking to Lindormi.

yet they ignore one of the main gripes, challengers peril, also cleft is gonna be a trash show


Challenger’s peril is questionable for sure.

But, I will take this to start.

Maybe they will reconsider Challenger’s peril during mid-season like they did in S1.

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you probably just need to use your defensive for once and not die or just blame the healer

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  • Xal’atath’s Guile has been redesigned – Now causes keystones above level 12 to increase health and damage of enemies by 12% per level instead of 10% per level.

That’s going to go over well…

Currently, going from +11 to +12 feels like a wall for many players. I am assuming the intention of this change is to create a smoother key pushing experience overall.

But, we will have to see how the actual tuning pans out.

Wouldn’t increasing then health and damage increase of mobs from 10% to 12% make the wall even taller?


So I need to hit 2850 to unlock the reward of no depletes on keys under or over 12?

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So they only remove the bad for people who push through said bad to clear most dungeons on +12.
Gee willikers, mister, that sure is a whole lotta nothin’.


Yes! This doesn’t replace the ramping dungeon modifier it simply adds to it. Blizz is completely out of touch with the player base as usual.

Can I please get a cool mount or transmog instead of a boring achievement please?

The point is to create a checkpoint of sorts for people who are pushing prestige ratings.

Key depletion is a good thing.

I disagree, but far be it from me to argue against your sadomasochistic proclivity.

At the high end, yes, it will be tougher overall.

But, there wouldn’t be as much of a wall at +12. Going from +11 to +12 should be a lot smoother than now.

It does seem like a nice reward for doing +12 but I don’t see it as that big of a gain but might help climb that +12 wall. People doing higher keys will still deplete their keys, people doing lower keys without this will still deplete their keys all the same.


It’s a good change for people that put the effort in.

100% useless change. Nobody is worried about dropping a key below 12s. The problem is 2 hours in LFG to not time a 14 to sit 3 more hours in LFR for a 13 to push back to a 14 to drop again to a 13, thus spending all day trying to practice a 14 and only timing 13s, while getting back random 14s to not be able to practice more. What an out of touch clown change.

Remove depletion completely OR don’t. Stop w/ this middle ground stupidity.


It’s not masochistic to have meaningful failure conditions. That’s just good game design 101.

You need to be able to fail, and failure needs to mean something. It further keeps a broader range of keys active at any given time.

Yeah, this is not a huge change, but still a step in the right direction imo.

Personally, I think they should add one more change, which is that all keys (not just +12 and up) should come with 2-3 charges.

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This doesn’t make it easier.

Just is a boredom prevention mechanic.

I just hope the protection only lasts at 12, and not below.