I know the Mythic plus system just changed but this has to be the worst its ever been and needs to change by the end of the szn or it will be clinging on. I’ve pushed upwards of 3.5k io before and stick around the 3k on alts or off seasons. I have enjoyed pushing io (because funny number goes up) but I’m at 2.2k io and am just about done with this season. Finding groups is near impossible, timing anything above a +9 is exhausting and takes so much mental strain because you fail a key and people start throwing blame w/o know anything about what they are talking about like how are you going to pull a whole hallway and more on a +10 then blame the healer, when the only person who can survive all that damage is the tank.
With the new system in place I believe the only way to “fix” it is to get rid of Challenger Peril ENTIRELY no reiterations it’s a garbage affix that bricks keys because pug groups lose all hope. Also bring back the meaning to Fort, Tyran weeks. If its tyran week then its tyran week you can still have Fort activated at anything +10 but make it so its half of fort (10% instead of the 20%) that week enough to spice up higher keys but not make it brutal to the point of not wanting to play. This would make the curve from +8s to +10s to +12’s less steep and more enjoyable. (YES this game is meant to be enjoyable that’s the reason you pay for it so it entertains you, you shouldn’t have to entertain the game)
I agree that challenger’s peril is 
In before the top 1% being catered to flood to this post based on the title and they say you need to push your own key or that you need to learn more things or you don’t deserve it.
Def not top 1% only just in the top 10% but I will say the mplus season is fine. Data shows the same amount of people are reaching the same milestones at the same time frame as any other season.
Why not just do the level of content you enjoy then it hasn’t gone anywhere. Sounds like you are trying to do content at a level you don’t enjoy.
How has your experience been on your alts?
easy with the warband system making upgrading faster. IO is linked to main so that’s not an issue. why would alts be a problem when they can start at the same ilvl break as your main?
I’m at 2.3 on my main (aka Wish-Thaurissan) and it’s just that essentially most mistakes on a +10 means death of a timer.
What sucks is that a pull that will be just fine on one group is a ‘You’re pulling too much’ on another.
With that said, Myth vault slot pieces atleast and eventually +10 will be easy street. 9s and 8s were once and now they’re pretty easy with friends.
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same happens in the +2s that I somehow struggle to get into for reasons that nobody who takes my question serious can figure out. I have the rating far above what I would need, I have the ilvl higher than needed. but nobody will invite, and its getting annoying. Still takes a solid hour to even get a group started or get invited, and then as you said…they just bail at the slightest provocation.
And even worse, too many people making groups have no idea what group composition means, and they like to title their runs as “615 ilvl or bust” because they can’t actually set the ilvl requirement that high because they don’t meet their own expectations while demanding other people carry them without using those specific words lol.
The M+ community has always been full of uninformed people, but healing this season in just +2 is toxic. they just keep bumrushing every mob, chain pulling enemies that can fear.
Stonevault is the worst one to go into with most tanks lately because they pull from the entrance all the way to the like 10000 mobs that cast fear. I know its only 5-6 or something, but its too many and the only way to interrupt that many is to get lucky with some kind of aoe interrupt which happens often enough…but yet all it takes is one fear to go off because pug groups aren’t exactly famous for coordination, and now we wiped and now the healer left or the tank starts blaming the healer or the healer screeches at the dps.
Nobody knows literally anything at this point. I am convinced that half of them are actually just Blizzard using their follower dungeon Ai to fill the dungeon runs, because there is no way in the Maw there are this many people who are all that…afk in the head.
You’ve pushed your alts up to that 2200 level again though right? To slam right back into that wall you had to overcome on your main?
The problem is although at 630+ the +10s will not be that difficult at all even for most, until you get to that point you’re falling behind one mythic track item per week that you haven’t. Which is going to feel very bad on the alts.
I enjoy pushing that’s why ive gotten to 3.5k io last season. I like content thats hard and takes knowledge to do, not CnB torture
The level squish to the extreme that it was done was the mistake.
People blame mythic raiders for whining about how easy mode m+ was relative to rewards…and yet, my long established cutting edge mythic raid guild is unanimously wondering who asked for this.
I don’t even understand the company KPI that this change would help vs hurt. They’ve eliminated an end game pillar for a non-trivial amount of the player base, and unless those people are shifting to raiding or pvp, then engagement numbers and subs should tank.
Guess we will see. Unsub today (heh)!
I already unsubbed.
I feel like the raid doesn’t drop loot anymore. I’ve been raiding Heroic for a while now and I have like zero items from it. All my Heroic pieces are out of a cache.
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my alts are 2.4 and 2.5k I already overcome the wall and learnt. It’s the same wall why you need to relearn it?
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No way.
That affix is the best change this season. Everyone who doesn’t use personal and healing potions is excluded from high keys (10) due to this affix. This makes healing much easier.
Oh that’s true. I’ll likely only shoot for Myth on one for that reason.
On which character did you get 3.5k IO?
Trying to verify that it actually happened.
Edit: Oh, you played AFTER s4 ended.
It makes more sense now.
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Can finally focus on healing because the tradeoff for doing damage is so minute.
Challenger’s peril is great in this regard.
Holyvengence - Tanaris, Yeah I actually play the game through a season I don’t just play for a month and quit. I wouldn’t say I played “after s4 ended” because the szn was still going on pre patch just started that’s the only difference
The only season easier than this one was df s4, and even that is potentially not true. If you craft to 619 immediately before going into keys (free runed crests from renown capping) it should make starting m+ at 4s free on even fresh alts. Delves make the process even more free if you want to do them, but it’s also completely optional.