M+ Loot Nerfed Today

Yes mythic plus only players are even more reliant on vault rng when hero track is 13 ilvl below myth track

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Whatā€™s your point?

that you donā€™t need better access to myth track gear to get all m+ achievements besides 0.1% title. The available is sufficient.

Mythic+ is the most popular game mode.

Mythic Raiding is the least popular game mode.

Why do we need Mythic Raid gear to do push keys?

M+ to Heroic you are absolutely correct but that comparison does not hold up comparing mythic to m+. When I talk about early mythic progression Iā€™m referring to early on in the season where that is the case. For context using this season as an example, this is refering to do the end bosses of the awakened raids around 500-510 ilvl not 525-528. Early bosses are deff easier that alot of M+ donā€™t get it twisted but hard bosses such as Raz, Echo, Sark, Smoulderon, Tindral, and Fyrakk are leagues more difficult.

Strictly speaking no. Solo optional scenario like the trial of ascension are the least popular

That is a nonsequiter

Again, what is your point? You can go higher than +10.

There is a gigantic gap between KSH and title, if Iā€™m 3600 am I unworthy of myth gear? I honestly donā€™t know why people gatekeep gear so much, I couldnā€™t care less if a casual gets full myth bis gear, it doesnā€™t affect me at all. All I want is gear to push keys and trust me the 13 ilvl advantage mythic raiding gear will have have over non-vault gear is huge.

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Nah, they are completely unable to make delve hard enough to deserve myth track gear yet balanced so that every spec solo can do it. And even if it was, players have proven time and time again that they canā€™t deal with challenge in solo content. e.g. torghast, mage tower, nzoth visions, proven grounds silver, etcā€¦

I used to think this way, but them putting aspect crests and mythic track gear from potato level mythic+ keys makes me think to heck with it, just do it.

Blizz clearly has zero regard for correlating difficulty with rewards.

the point is m+ is probably only tuned up to +10, this where the rewards end.
you are on your own in unlimited scaling content with what else the game offers to you and your competitors for the title. i.e. go raid mythic for faster access to myth track gear.

Hereā€™s the thing, they had a good system in DF, a system where mythic raiders had a small advantage for their effort, but it wasnā€™t large enough to require you to raid if you wanted to push as high as possible or for title or whatever.

Noā€¦ At +12 affixes get removed and everything gets buffed by 20% they are literally tuning things differently for keys 12 and up.

Why? They are delusional if they think people donā€™t push beyond 10ā€™s, people do, and alot more people push beyond 10ā€™s than raid mythic. Iā€™ve pushed high keys and Iā€™m not saying itā€™s harder than mythic raiding (in alot of ways it is, more personal responsibility etc.), but it sure as hell is harder than raiding heroic and it should give a little more than 610 ilvl gear thatā€™s only upgradeable to 13 ilvls below the max.

You push beyond 10 only for title, last season in the us 600 characters got 0.1% title. And maybe 6000 characters (1%) were trying to get there.
Iā€™d rather see them tune keys and rewards for the other 594000 characters doing keys and wish the 1% good luck.

What about the challenge, seeing how far your skill can take you? Thatā€™s like saying mythic raiders only raid mythic for the title and the mountā€¦ Btw, the vast majority of players do not raid mythic so your second point makes no sense to me at all.