M+ Leaving is now considered actionable griefing? Updated with Proof

I was going to let it go and be the bigger person after putting them on ignore, until i got the warning and then i was scrollin back up to do so, but i guess them being from another server and not being in the group any more there was no menu or option for report player so i could not do so

I don’t think it’s so much defending the hostile parties, as they’re guilty also. Leaving a M+ is unethical, especially since you left after only 1 wipe on the first boss, regardless of what happened up until that point.

“Sorry I’m not dealing with this” is not an acceptable reason to leave a M+ run in my opinion. Did you try and offer help? They could be a newer player who may not understand some of the hidden intricacies in WoW such as how to keep yourself alive in tough situations. They get one shot, they may not know why, and then a player leaves their run immediately after saying they’re not going to deal with this. It’s not good for the community, we should be willing to offer help to those less knowledgeable, even if that means eating a little more of your time. You signed up for the key with the assumption you are there to complete it. I’m not saying you have to suffer for hours in the dungeon, but you should really give it a conscious effort. I’ve had M+ runs where it’s a disaster up until the first boss, but then smooth the rest of the run. You never know.

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Unless you’re a single dad who plays wow 1 hour/week, you get to a point where it doesn’t matter if someone leaves.


One doesn’t even need a reason to leave a keystone dungeon, though.

Yeah, it’s important to make peace with it as you put the key in.

Yes, there is this affix that’s always present in PuG life, it’s called the “the leaver” affix.

pro tip, exit dungeon, pull up finder, queue for the next.

don’t waste time making posts on forum and arguing with people about whats right and wrong cause thats just more time wasted.


Thank you very much, i’ve been a nervous wreck over this since last night idk if this is the same situation as the blue post you put in for reference, but i hope its the same case here, i would give you the emails if i could, i swear, they didn’t give me chat logs or anything, simply said that the action was correct and was from the automated system but someone looked at it, i did not respond to them at all only ignored them after they whispered me, and the GM told me straight up that i left the key i pugged into, giving them no chance to complete it, and that it was considered griefing.

I have no reason to lie, i’d post all the conversation with the GM if i could do so.

That GM needs to be called out, because that GM is full of it.

There is no rule anywhere that states you must stay in a M+ pug for ANY reason.


im going to pull up my emails and post copy paste the text i guess, is that

Leaving is probably only actionable if you left right as the key started before anything had happened since that is obvious you just destroyed their key maliciously. I still doubt you’ll actually get actioned though.

Now running your mouth is definitely where you’re going to get in trouble. I had 2-3 keys in BH this morning fail at that broken AF wall boss. Nobody got mad. We just said oh well and that was that. The rogue is just stupid overtuned though. Taking what you said at face value, you didn’t say or do anything wrong.

The onus still falls to you as much as the group leader to vet the group. Anyone not over 400k (really even like 450k at this point) HP in double digit keys is an automatic red flag imo

IMO leaving a M+ group should be punished similarly to how Blizz punishes players who leave Overwatch matches early. Give them an increasing cd to join a new one before ultimately ending up in a ban.


There’s your answer right there. As in my previous comment, you joined a timed key and there is an expectation that you join to complete it. It’s not like you left after wiping for an hour, you left while there was still time on the clock. That’s griefing.

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Because at that point they don’t have chat logs. The GMs don’t have all of the information and sometimes misread things. The portion of the social contract that they’re looking at starts with “While in Azeroth, do your best to,” which is NOT a set of rules, but rather just social recommendations.

Warnings don’t even go on that person’s record, they are just the game saying “hey, some players are reporting you, maybe you should chill out a bit”

It’s not. There is no rule that claims you must finish a dungeon.


As stated in the first post, there was no FEASIBLE way to complete this key, i did try, but with a healer on tyrannical dracthyr with 350k hp and no counterplay to keep him alive, he died repeatedly on trash but i didn’t care, the bosses were not doable with the healer in a state like that. There was no way to complete the dungeon even at that point

It is not. This entire thread is actually questionable, but posting the GM responses is going to get the thread deleted.

Just because there isn’t an official rule doesn’t mean it’s not griefing. 4 players missed out on an opportunity to complete a key because 1 player decided they didn’t want to play the game anymore, mid key. That’s griefing.

No it isn’t.

Yes it is

It isn’t the OP’s responsibility to help a random stranger, or anyone else’s for that matter.

Then they were in a key much too high for their ability and relying on the charity of others in the form of a carry.

It’s a +12. At a certain point, a player has made it past the “oh I didn’t know!” phase. I’d say it comfortably comes before a +12.

What’s not good for the community is bad players relying on pugs to carry them.

No, we shouldn’t. No player should be wasting another’s time with their own inability to play. If you screw up M+, you don’t deserve grace or understanding or to just waste someone’s time. Learn in the lower brackets. Watch a video. Read a wowhead article.

Oh okay. So you’re not saying someone should suffer for hours, but it would be a good idea if they gave suffering for hours a good shot.

It’s a PUG.

If you want to be taught by other players, run with your friends. If you haven’t got any of those, tap into the boundless resources available to you to improve your play.


It’s not griefing. Literally nowhere is that griefing. A player left. That’s all.

They brought an undergeared player who was already destroying the key to begin with.

It’s not.


Its not because of exactly the kind of scenarios you describe. Trapping people into hopeless runs would outright kill pugging.

They’d need to enforce a lot more tighter gear checks and overhaul the pug system as a whole and it would still be open for abuse as even if everyone is properly geared for a run people could try to force others to carry their multi-box alts or stuff like that (that already happens in levelling dungeons).

The only thing is that if they start flaming you, don’t respond. Leave without a word. And certainly don’t start flaming them yourself, just don’t give them anything to exploit and you got nothing to worry about.

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