M+ Leaving is now considered actionable griefing? Updated with Proof

So, this individual was just going to let it go, until they got the alert, but when they tried to instead report them there was no option when right clicking their name, i assume cause they were from another server and they were no longer in the group so a report was unable.

The problem is that the higher power they talked to indeed believes it to be griefing and the automated system(Spam report) action was correct, and after going back and forth a bit trying to clear up the situation, individual was essentially told that its griefing, to review the contract, and be better about choosing and that the actions taken were correct and finally signing off with “That should be all, if you have any other issues in other matters feel free to contact us”

so individual assumes its probably best to drop it or fear facing harsher punishment for putting in a second ticket to get a more reasonable and understanding person who will listen to all the context of the siutation after debating on putting in another ticket to maybe get another helpful individual.

I have said it before and i have said it again.

M+ needs to have an option when creating and searching groups, so that people can indicate the intent of the group.

If you have a timing group the intent is you are trying to time the key and give a threshold or an vote to kill key option, if you leave after a given amount of deaths in a given amount of time and its clear its not going to happen, you can drop.

If you are in a completion group, you can only leave if a vote to kill the key passes because the intent is to finish it one way or another. This penalty increases with each boss you kill if you drop the group.

It was listed as standard, so none of the above apply. I do not know why you are defending such wildly hostile behavior from 4 hostile individuals who unjustly caused offical punishment on a innocent player so hard.


Chilling this is becoming the common wisdom.

It’s also the wisdom of living in an authoritarian state. We can still vote with our feet though.


If it’s listed as standard then they can leave whenever they want. You didn’t specify the goal.

I see you don’t understand how the system works. What they do is look at the chat logs to see what happened. It’s all there.

Alert was probably automated because 4 people had all reported at the same time? The “That should be all, if you have any other issues in other matters feel free to contact us” reply also seems automated. Are you sure whoever was talking to a real person even? I would have pushed harder and tried to get them in flak because they are literally ganging up on people abusing the report tool to troll people who dont want to carry their inexperienced healer.

The fact they didn’t action it means they cant action it, because it’s not against the ToS. They got a slap on the hand probably for the “Sorry im not dealing with this” comment is my guess.

Next time just leave and dont say anything. You are NOT forced by the ToS to stay in any key/group that is a bust or not what you signed up for.

Right i get that, but literally the only line that was said the ENTIRE time from the pug individual was “Sorry im not dealing with this” They did NOT retaliate one single time to ANY of the 4 whispers calling this individual trash, garbage, names, ect. They simply let it go until they recieved the warning, there was nothing to report from individual 1s perspective to begin with, but clearly some higher individual disagreed and based the leaving of the key as griefing.

QFT - I have even seen those add-ons that announce when people get hit by avoidable damage or announce deaths and how they happened set people off. It is indeed safest not to say anything.

The comment is why you got a slap on the hand, not the act of leaving.

You’re good to leave. Like mentioned above, just dont say anything that can be taken in any negative way. Just dont say anything at all.


It isn’t. Worst case scenario, I think, is that you get a “behavior warning” because they had their group or guild falsely report you but shouldn’t actually result in anything.

If you said mean stuff then that’s another matter, though.


Yes it was a real person, he tacked that on at the end, i talked with him several times through the night, i have his emails here and would post the responses if i could. He didn’t really seem to want to deal with me and i was fearful of being punished if i kept pushing the issue, and wondered if i should try later to put ina nother ticket or risk being retaliated against

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I wouldn’t worry about it, or reopen the ticket and ask specifically what got you the warning.

People leave keys all the time.

What you have is an automated time out, which expired. No action was taken because there was no evidence that the player leaving did anything wrong. If a human looked at the chat logs and saw nothing untoward, they weren’t going to take action. And if anything was said in discord, that doesn’t count as evidence.

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No, the only thing the individual said was upon leaving the key after the disaster was “Sorry im not dealing with this” as the other 4 spam messaged hateful stuff, and now i know spam reported. The individual did not reply to said person

It’s basically /threadover with this post ^

And good, sound advice as well

As for the OP’s question
 no, leaving a bad M+ group isn’t actionable in and of itself - the part where you said “I’m not dealing with this” is what you got an account penalty for

Not worth the risk saying offhand remarks about a bad group, just leave/hearth out, it’s what I do

Usually what I’ll do is, after the wipe I’ll wait for the teammates to be out of range, then quickly drop group and discreetly hearth out to my garrison (faster cast time)


That seems reasonable.

Sorry about your negative experience. I hope that you reported them. :dracthyr_heart:

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So there’s more to this story than we’re getting, is basically what it boils down to. Because this right here tells me there was a behavioral issue of some sort.

Things to remember:

  1. If right click report doesn’t work, there is a harassment ticket that can be submitted. BUT you must first ignore the person or people in question.
  2. NEVER respond back in any way.
  3. A warning is not a sanction. It’s just a warning.
  4. You can always ask in the CS forums if you’re having trouble finding the correct report or ticket path.

Here’s an explanation from one of our SFAs:

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It was an in game pop up warning said individual that they had committed a offense and received a warning. im still on pins and needles hoping its over for good and i have indeed learned my lesson to not speak at all, but
this doesn’t seem right at all

Just say it straight man. The hypothetical framing is unnecessary and convoluted.

It’s not griefing, but if you don’t give the boss at least three tries, I think you’re kind of a quitter. At least that’s my rule when healing.