M+ Leaving is now considered actionable griefing? Updated with Proof

So, I signed up for a random pug key, a 12 BH on tyrannical, and come into a group of 4 friends, not realizing that the Dracthyr healer has 350k HP MAX and is a complete carry with NO warning beforehand and I did not notice such upon joining (I take fault for that part), This healer dies repeatedly on trash -We accumulated 20+ deaths on trash BEFORE the boss, that was with me single pulling groups and NOT chainpulling-- and i brush it off till we get to the boss, approach the first boss and proceed to get absolutely wrecked by the rogue boss’s RANDOM mechanics on tyrannical, in 1 shot with no counter play available because of the rogue’s unstoppable instant damage.

(Group Comp - Me, 2 dracthyr, Warlock, mage)

I left with “Sorry im not dealing with this”, and then all 4 group members proceeds to whisper me trash talking, and being extremely insulting and the group spam reports me player and less than 8 minutes later i receive in an game popup warning.

I then contacted a representative trying to get to the bottom of this, Being told to be more selective who you pug with and leaving those folks with no option to complete is indeed griefing and that their wrongs do not justify my wrongs. I did nothing but leave peacefully once it was understood the key would not be feasible with the group, and I did not retaliate against any of these players when they whispered me, including not reporting them.

So my whole question is – Is M+ leaving, a pug with no feasibly way to complete a key, that set no prior expectations as allowed by the group finder, considered griefing and a reportable/actionable offense? Im very genuinely curious here because after reading the contract i do not believe that to be the case.

The key was listed as standard, with no goals or other limits imposed, not as timed or completion.

Here you go, if the thread gets deleted it gets deleted but heres PROOF FROM THE FIRST GM I TALKED TO - NOT THE SECOND - From the 2 conversations i had with him before he gave me the “that should be all” - These are taken from the 2 exchanges i had with the first GM

It is important to note that one bad behavior does not justify others. The same way you have receive a warning from our systems for griefing, you could also use the report system tool in game to report those players that have been harassing you.

And although I can understand the frustration you might have had with the key, you did abandon it, leaving the rest of the group with no chances to even complete it.

I do hope you understand the reason behind the warning and rest assured the accounts that are penalized are investigated and no penalties are applied without at least the actions being reviewed.

The right click report feature will provide us with the necessary chat interaction that we can use to verify the harassment on their part as well. That being said, I went ahead in the previous contact and already investigated the issue, and proper actions were taken. but as said, one action bad action does not justify another. So in the future we would recommend to only commit to keys you intend to complete if pugging, as you could ruin the experience for others, the same same way we will be warning those players about their behaviors in chat.

In the future I would recommend you doing key with your friends or with members of your guild to avoid any frustration with a difficult key or to guarantee you are playing m+ with player you know are able to complete higher keys.

And as we mentioned in our Code of Conduct in the behavior section:
“Behavior that intentionally detracts from others’ enjoyment (such as griefing, throwing, feeding, etc.) is unacceptable. We expect our players to treat each other with respect and promote an enjoyable environment. Acceptable behavior is determined by player reports and Blizzard’s decision, and violating these guidelines will result in account and gameplay restrictions.”

That should be all, but in case you need help with other issues, let us know and help you with what we can.

As you can see there’s no mention of of ANY kind of mention of any offense other than leaving a key and specifically being reported for “griefing”

–Update, after posting in Customer Support i was informed by the second Blue that i was warned for using a 3 letter acronym with the F bomb in it, in the context of “acronym, do you guys want to face pull some more” after they pulled an entire area, I did forget about this entirely as I did not even give it a second thought and it was not meant as malicious but apparently it was enough and I accept that, I maintain fully thought that it wasn’t a problem for them until I left. I did not leave it out to lie or obscure, because this was the first response from the first GM, I just wasn’t told the ACTUAL reason and this WAS the reasoning the GM that i got first gave me.

I own that i did use the acronym completely, I completely legitimately forgot about it as unimportant and COMPLETELY SILLY but w/e, perhaps I shouldn’t have and I have learned a lesson, but I did not think anything of it, as it was not malicious, nor did i follow it up with anything at all till the “sorry im not dealing with this”, nor did anyone say anything in response to the acronym, however I reiterate, the GM response i first recieved MADE NO MENTION of this, and did indeed give the below response. I did not lie. I have email proof of his response.

BOTH representative interactions happened, the first on Monday night, the second on Tuesday later in the day, this post is about the first on Monday, where NO Mention was made of the true offense, the second on Tuesday where i was informed the actual reason.

BOTH happened, both are true, only the second was the real reason. Thanks. I did not lie and have no reason to lie just like i’ve updated this post to reflect that. If you want further proof let me know how I can provide that and I will. I have nothing to hide.




These days it’s safest to not speak at all in pugs. Nothing. Not a word.

Automated-everything @ Blizz means people can and will abuse the system.


No the act of leaving alone is not a reportable offence.

IMO it’s just best to go. I might drop a ‘Sorry this isn’t working out’ as a sort of softener.

Now if people respond in a way that breaks the contract, hey that’s on them.

I was serious tanking last lesson and had my share of people who left. I accept it was mostly my fault because I was a bit of an unco tank.


Apparently I was reported yesterday for leaving a group that was over time after one of the DPS died MULTIPLE times to mechanics and even said at one point they didn’t know the fight
so if I get my hand slapped I’ll let you know.


You can wipe like 5 times and time a BH. Shoulda vetted the group before joining. Shoulda stuck around for at least another attempt. Griefing? Yep. Agaonst ToS? Nah. Complete dxxk move? Yep.


How is this griefing, if anything the parties that invite players to a group and not alert them to there being a full on carry who is the healer, is all of the above, how could that possibly come back on the pug individual


because healing is easy, and you can get pretty far with minimal gear.

Had like 260 Ilvl in a +8 Nokhud (and that was too hard heh.) Was able to heal a +9 Algethar however. went overtime cause people stood in stuff back in season 1 on a priest.


The problem is that this healer was getting 1 shot by everything, with no hope of survival because they simply do not have gear on tyrannical for UNAVOIDABLE damage, if it was a dps it wouldn’t have mattered, but you cant do a dungeon in most cases with no healer the entire fight on all the fights in there, trash was simply killing this individual but they persevered attempting.

So instead of wasting everyone’s time and repair bills this hypothetical individual decides to peacefully leave and despicable action follows them. I’d consider those 4 individuals the griefs and worthy of penalty and not the singular individual who was calm kind and simply left in peace


Idk if it’s one shot territory. Sounds like people not knowing mechanics. Bosses do like 80% more damage in a +20, and people don’t have 700k hp.

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It was the rogue on that boss who randomly targets players and does indeed do tons of damage that the healer has to deal with and some of it is quite unavoidable and this healer literally could not and nothing we could have done would have been able to stop it. So yes, its exactly that territory.

How on earth would they survive any of the other bosses and trash with 350k hp if they couldn’t do so on the first boss? Come on now, be serious.

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People don’t have 700k hp, and the highest key done is a +25 right now.

Going down to +12, and ending up with only 350k hp, should be easier, no?

The counterplay to this is smart CD use. Proactive Rapture, SLT, Convoke or Flourish, etc. Similar to grievous affix keep HPs above 90%, if the healer is not aware then they all get a haste buff and it gets worse and worse.

This healer was a Dracthyr, they had none of this. And the group had a mage, warlock, 2 dracthyr and warrior. AFAIK there was no way to save this individual.

Every class has defensives. Use them.


I seen this in practice.

I think if careful that individual would be ok. Occasionally as a healer you come across one, nay two people who are just attracted to taking damage and stepping in bad. At a point I let them go :rofl:

When that guy is the healer oh lawd.


Consent is everything and can be withdrawn at any time


I’m guessing the healer had low HP and low IQ. Unawareness is the bigger issue.

Offheals and DPS using their defensive also make this boss much easier on the healer.

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Not griefing.

Nowhere in the ToS does it state you are forced to stay in a failing/carry group infinitely until it’s done. People leave for all kinds of reasons too. If you left peacefully ( ie: without saying anything nasty ) you are safe.

Id have actually reported them for ganging up on you like that tbh.

Also: 12’ are not a place for a new healer to learn their class/abilities. I would have left too if that was the case.


If the key is listed as completion and they leave because you failed the timer, I’d consider it sabotage.

They joined a key expecting to time it when that wasn’t the goal of the key.

If it’s listed as beat timer, they can leave once it’s clear that timing is impossible.