I think you don’t know how to navigate the WoW Armory. Let me help you.
um no blizzard was not vague at all and very clear, obviously they said if you do it too much you will be banned. dont u get how clear that is? so yeah you are griefing if u leave groups of bad players like me. so u better not or ban
Yes. Doing 12’s and 13’s is far above KSM. However, rules are rules. Not weaponizing anything. But you must stay unless stated by what blizzard said.
Oh I knew, I just wanted to let you post it to prove you were trolling. If you know how to navigate the armory, you clearly understand the difference between leaving and griefing. And, because you have this much time and effort invested in doing keys, you are likely one of those who leave as soon as things go sideways cause you are more interested in your achievements than the run.
So, this WHOLE thread is a thinly disguised way of you complaining for Blizz calling out tactics that you use yourself. and being scared to death you will be next on the ban list cause you are part of the problem.
But why do you want to finish a broken +13 key? If you want items or a vault go do +10. It’s much more practical lol.
You misunderstood the post. Anyone who intentionally leaves and “trolls the key” just to ruin it will get suspended. Blizz will NOT hold you hostage in horrible keys gone wrong and have you sit in there for 2 hours.
What are you talking about. I stated I support Blizzard. Also why are you in this conversation if 12-13’s are far above your skill gap. You don’t even participate in m+.
It looks like your end game is forum posting. How can you even comment on the m+ scene if you’re not even in it.
Someone’s mad I figured out their lie, and their secret. Also, unlike your posts, I know that I can post ANYWHERE on these forums with, or without M+ experience as long as I am not violating the code of conduct. I read it, I understood it, so I abide by it. Your trolling here suggests unless someone gives me permission to leave, I will get banned. It’s probably the absolute worst analysis I have ever seen to a Blizz ban.
But, I am in 40 other threads at the same time, am reporting this one for trolling, and moving on. I no longer have any interest in bumping your misunderstanding of this ban. No sense in confusing new people with your “thread”.
What are you talking about I support Blizzard. I also stated how can you talk about the m+ scene if you are not even in it. You also posted my armory and showed you I participate in m+.
The rest of what you said is irrelevant to the conversation.
no you misunderstood. blizz was very clear. people who intetionally leave keys are griefing. and the more you do it the more chance u have of being banned. so yea after 2 or 3 u better start carrying bad players like me or risk being banned.
Is that really any different from leaving a key that still has time on it but acting like the future is visible to you and leaving is any different?
Yes I did edit it to correct myself.
glad we can come to a conclusion of why the key isn’t going to be timed, and on the rightful grounds of leaving without penalty.
You misunderstood the post. Anyone who intentionally leaves and “trolls the key” just to ruin it will get suspended. Blizz will NOT hold you hostage in horrible keys gone wrong and have you sit in there for 2 hours.
If you look through the customer support posts. They somewhat reveal if you are above a leave/complete threshold. It will be detected. A community manager in a general post also stated that if you have more leaves than completes it is detected too.
in the same sentence is wild
i guess only you know the future, and only when it supports what you are saying.
Touche… fair enough.
I can only be right so many times in a row before I muff it up once in a blue moon.
Its not gonna stop anyone from leaving when a key goes that bad, that its not worth it. Thankfully I dont have to deal with this nonsense anymore with how I find keys but if bans start going out in mass, yeah RIP pugging keys and overall keystone runs will die down a lot and become a “guild exclusive” thing.
No it is not ‘expected that you finish the key’.
To be clear, Blizzard is targeting serial leavers, people who have deliberately gone out of their way to ruin the runs of other players.
If you know a run is not going to time after you’ve wiped multiple times, you can leave the group and no one is going to bat an eye. If you leave minutes after the timer starts just to ruin that players key, then you’ll probably get reported and Blizzard will likely ban you.
Where does Blizzard state that. Blizzard states three situations you are able to.
It’s literally in the blue post about it.
Repeatedly and recklessly disrupted M+ groups. Intentionally left M+ groups a great many times.
Aka, not players like you who leave keys that can’t be timed after multiple wipes.
These are the three situations where you can leave the key. Just because you are not going to time it does not mean it is an excuse to leave.