M+ leavers reminder

In a 12-13 key even if we have over 20 deaths you need to finish the key even if we don’t time it. Unless everyone has verbally agreed to stop the key. I hope these leavers get lifetime bans too.

Remember it is expected now to finish the key.



If that’s your attitude, you’re about to be sorely disappointed.


What do you mean? Leaving a key is a bannable offense. I 100% support this.



im a really bad player i never interupt or move out mechanics or dispel.
i refuse to learn or get better

being a bad player isn’t grieing or bannable
so everyone in my groups better stay in the group because leaving is griefing and bannable


Over 20 deaths, why would anyone want to stay for that many? Not just a waste of someone’s time, but the gold costs for repairs.

There’s no person or group that would want to be forced into the possibility of failure. Sometimes it’s better to just admit when you are not ready and move on to the next challenge.

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It’s the groups responsibility to teach the person. Until everyone has agreed to leave the key.

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and i refuse to learn because gaming is for fun and not a job, but that isnt griefing, so everyone better stay in my group until i say so cause leaving is griefing and bannable


Don’t feed the troll.

Just enjoy people screeching when/if they get banned for their bad behavior in-game.




I’m sorry your education is lacking and you don’t know what irony is, goodnight :kissing:

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Sarcasm detected, but if what’s being reported is true that’s not the behavior that’s being targeted. Also there is always the option when running a group to specify what your goal is and your threshold for failure is if there is one, and as an applicant you can also say I’m not interested in groups that don’t time. These are things that may result in longer periods spent in lfg organizing or applying, but at least you’re going to end up with like-minded people :man_shrugging:t2:

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You are not punished for “leaving”. You are punished for griefing. Stop fear mongering and start reading.


leaving a key without everyone agreeing is griefing.

Unless it is an emergency or internet outage.



No, it’s not. Purposefully leaving keys when they start the timer multiple times is. Get out of here with your nonsense.

Your post history suggest you want everyone banned. IMO you need stop playing WoW for a bit and calm down. 20 deaths lol…I’d leave that group so damn fast. Get over yourself and get a life imo.


I swear. According to some of the goobers on this forum, I can join a +10 key with 0 io and afk the entire thing and nobody would dare boot me as they would get perma banned if they do! Muahahahhaahahahhahahahahaaha… :crazy_face:

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Wow. An absolute load of fertilizer. Nowhere do they claim everyone has to agree. And as long as you are not doing it key after key, I am sure you will be fine.


The dwarf is right. Should have known a thread by a Belf was a troll thread.


We are entering the phase where the try hard M+ people start losing their minds because they realize that they are wasting their time doing anything over a 10 because they won’t reach that ridiculous 0.1% title.

“group collectively deciding to quit the run”.

Meaning there must be a verbal agreement of 3/5 people to leave the key.


So sad. Go to bed.

Let me guess…rights for me but not for thee…

Typical echo chamber on this forum. There’s a thread for you —>

You can go play a fake victim there.