I never even replied to you. You replied to me to start an argument about a claim I never made. I just clarified my point. Where was I hostile?
No, YOU don’t. You don’t speak for all the “people”.
Now I remember why I have you on ignore…
I never even replied to you. You replied to me to start an argument about a claim I never made. I just clarified my point. Where was I hostile?
No, YOU don’t. You don’t speak for all the “people”.
Now I remember why I have you on ignore…
All this is is a very thinly veiled complaint that players who do content and have gear do better in random bgs, op is nothing but spare parts
This is the worst, there are better MMO’s right now. That is why this game has had a mass exodus.
Yea it did but that was years ago, key word “Reigned” which is in the past. The King is no more and becoming an embarrassment. Other companies and now learning what NOT to do in a game. WoW shouldn’t be the leader of what NOT to do.
The reality is 9.1 patch flopped, it’s just 9.0 with extra steps. There are a massive list of issues that still need to be addressed even besides my main post. The time is now to start fixing them all otherwise watch WoW be just devoured by other games.
Final Fantasy?
If it’s better, then why are you here? Do you see my point? Go play the better game.
I… agree.
I don’t know why WoW players are so crazy about their grind, but man they really like it… I don’t want to take away avenues for playstyle, but I wish Mythic+ felt less like a chore and more like an adventure.
Wow and FFXIV shouldn’t be compared. People get so mad when a overgeared tanks pull everything into a boss in a heroic and nukes it down.
Wait till they try ff. Every dungeon is wall to wall pulls, spam aoe spells with cc and interrupts not required. It’s crazy engaging content
agree this is a primary issue with wow design these days
Totally fair point. Some people play more than one mmo.
But that’s not the context we’re in, nonetheless.
The game in its current state could be better. It doesn’t completely suck either. But they do need to make some changes. All I know is that people have been complaining about this, that and the other thing since it came out. They literally can’t please everyone. It doesn’t mean the game is dying.
If people are that unhappy with it, then go play FF instead. Come back later to see if it’s more palpable in a future release.
Yet here you are playing Classic BC. Hypocrite much? At least retail WoW has a lot more to offer at end game then doing the same raids/dungeons knowing nothing new will come. Yep, been here since day 1 of Vanilla and it was amazing back then but trying classic Vanilla and BC, got bored extremely fast. Instead of any nostalgia, I had the flash backs of how tedious and insane just leveling was.
Also, not sure why you felt the need to create a new post based on a previous post of yours. You really are trying to push your agenda huh?
Not being full BIS is not the same as playing in bad gear.
Mythic+ is the only reason I still play this game.
Again that is great you have an activity to do that you enjoy. A lot of the player base doesn’t play this game to do M+ though and would like to NOT do them. We kindly would ask to stop with the weekly chore list for gear and just have Vendors. Again keep doing M+ but please just have that activity you enjoy, since you enjoy it, be for Titles, Mounts and Cosmetics.
The game should be able to get people into the content or activities they do enjoy without funneling them into ones they hate, creating a toxic environment for everyone.
So the alternative method is to revert back to the TBC loot style and everyone farm full bis in 2 weeks then raid log for the next 12 months? My entire guild would of unsubbed by now if not for M+
Ok lets say blizzard removes gear acquisition from M+
How would you get high end pve gear other than raid?
If you are gonna say single difficulty dungeons and badge vendors i can tell you now that alot of the players will simply gear cap in 2-3 weeks and unsub because there will literally nothing to do outside of raid.
For the high end players raiders they have absolute no intereterest in anything other than dungeon/raids. You don’t see world first raiders logging on and thinking to themselves hmm i might just go to a quick normal dungeon or some dailies because i love it soo much.
This tbc method of loot will be better for the casual players that can literally farm the exact same dungeon until they get everything they need and be “done”
The more competative or hardcore players will be “done” in 2 weeks and unsub because there is literally nothing else to do.
If they were to add cosmetics, titles and mounts to M15 and above keys id be happy with the old tbc lootstyle.
Waste minimal time on the rng hamster wheel and then just farm titles, cosmetics and mounts for the rest of the xpac.
I agree that M+ is designed to trap a player into an “almost” never ending cycle of hamster wheel playstyle but i would much much rather do that then farm my bis gear through rep/quests/dailies or weeklies.
I agree with just about everything you said except for the views on Arena and the great vault. Personally I like the vault system, some tweaks would be nice but overall I have gotten a LOT of good pieces that made me have more fun.
With Arena, that is the fun. Queuing into a match against other players is fun. But PVP gear should only have 2 levels, honor and conquest, and yes it should absolutely be available to everyone because a Glad in full conquest will still dust a casual BGer in full conquest. There should not be a massive gear advantage in PVP.
Your issue wouldn’t exist if there was…I dunno … NEW CONTENT to do?
If getting aLl TeH gEaRz makes you raid log, the issue isn’t the speed of the loot progression…
What content do you speak of? Its impossible to expect any game company to bring content out as fast as we can clear it.
You want a new dungeon weekly? New raid tiers monthly? I dont know if youve ever player tbc or older versions of wow before M+ was introduced but for hardcore players there was nothing to do.
For people that arent interested in systemlands style of dailies the only thing to do it dungeons/raids.
The tbc lootstyle is terrible because it had no content once you were bis and bis literally took 2-3 weeks.
You are fully decked out in bis gear with no engaging content to challenge yourself with instead you just run around doing dailies and rep grind. Doesnt sound like much fun.
Why do i need bis gear if the content isnt getting harder? Cool ill do my dailies and rep farm faster like really, how is running around 1 shotting mobs that never get harder fun at all?
When you no longer get gear/power progression there is no point in playing anymore unless you are interested in other aspects of the game. Therefore you raidlog because there is progression in said content.
No i do not want to farm 3 weeks worth of anima so i can ride on a blue horse when i already have a yellow one.
Fair enough. I see your point.
Like i said, i don’t care if we revert back to tbc lootsytle infact I’d actually prefer that if they added cosmetic/titles or mount for M15+
Skip the rng hamster wheel nonsense and get full bis and then grind for exclusive mounts and titles from very very hard M+ dungeons that the average player base will never use. That way the casual players can get their bis with time invested and the sweaty M+ players get their exclusive cosmetic rewards for going the extra mile.
You are right that it isnt the speed of progression its wtf do I do once i have this gear if the progression is too quick like in tbc
The problem is a weekly vault/chest can’t ever work and will ultimately cause more problems then it’s worth for the health of the game. The vault becomes a mandatory chore list where you either Win or Lose with the RNG gearing. Some PvPers win weapons while others get their 3rd bracer putting them just behind and losing interest in even playing.
Then if you don’t play for a week, well you are just behind. There is a conquest catch up but no Vault catch up. Inevitably the Vault is just a super toxic system that has a long list of problems it causes. People literally uninstall from it. The reason it exist is to fill a time-played metric from Blizz and it hurts the players and games health.
An entire thread could be dedicated to the Vault ruining the game for PvP and PvE. It doesn’t have to be that way though. We can remove the chore list and just have vendors that feel good and rewarding for ALL types of players. Especially ones playing for the first time or returning after a long break.