M+ is NOT content! The problem with modern WoW

When it comes to being “forced” in content for gear to progress, I play a wind walker monk. Being a monk my best stat is Vers. For most of the tier glad PVP gear would be considered my bis gear. But unfortunately, I am an awful awful PVP player. So I don’t do PVP for gear because I cannot achieve the gear I need from there because I suck at it. Should I complain until I can get it from unrated BG’s? Or maybe just maybe I realize that’s a problem I need to deal with and not have it or work on getting better at it.

This isn’t about me. I’ll be gone. This is about having a great game to play, which we don’t have right now. Don’t make this about me when it isn’t. Even though many in this thread like making it personal because they can’t discuss the topic. This is a problem with the game and hurts the community.


So was my summary not correct abomination? It could be anyone asking for that system, who is doing it makes no difference. Doesn’t make having bis gear in two weeks from trivial content a better idea if it’s coming from the queen of England or the homeless man who lives down the street. A bad idea is a bad idea

trust me, if you could touch it, you’d eat it alive, but you can’t

How do you expect one to try to affect change in a game?

Let’s use your standards: Their individual opinion doesn’t matter, there are no official statistics or studies that can be used to state anything of substance, anything they say about the community is anecdotal or the “loud minority of the forums”, so what exactly is a compelling argument for why something should be changed because it’s not fun or bad design?

Remember when we had talent trees years ago, and people said “WE LIKE CHOICE” then Ion said “Choosing between a DPS talent or 10% less AoE damage is a false choice”, and then the talent system got revamped to MoP’s style whereby you picked 4 or 5 main abilities? What’s even funnier is the people who worshipped him back then for promoting this philosophy, and now watching them cry on the forums for him to be French Revolution’ed or something because apparently he’s evil. Regardless of this hilarious irony, everyone seemed to agree that it was a false choice, and that’s why that system was lackluster or bad. Because people were forced into choosing the DPS talent, or else they’d simply be completely suboptimal.

Saying “you can choose to play this game in bad gear” is also a false choice, especially when the game is played against others in so many aspects. Sure, you can choose to lag greatly with gear then get killed in 3 seconds in duels.

Who is he competing against? He said he doesn’t like raiding or M plus. He says he likes unrated BG. I don’t pvp but I don’t see how he would be so far behind the competition in that environment

nah, your post is just nonsense ramblings.

“if it ain’t broke don’t fix it”

you may see something wrong the system, but I don’t.

Thus, like I said, you’re using the assumption that the system is fine because I don’t have a legitimate channel or means to argue otherwise, because my opinion doesn’t matter, but your single voice does.

You’re assuming nothing is “broke”, yet you have indicated there is no acceptable way to prove something is broken, and so there is no way to prove it isn’t broken. In fact, using your standards, there is no way to determine whether something is good or not. You simply use your opinion as the basis and objective truth for all argument, and everyone else be damned.

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Then why are you making the case it doesn’t affect it if you don’t even participate or know? You get steamrolled.

thats…exactly what youre doing?
this is an argument without a clear “winner” or better “opinion”
i see nothing wrong with it.
you see some things wrong with it.

how do you fix something like this?

If it’s true that players decked out in glad PVP gear are going into random BG to steamroll under geared players then yes I would agree that sounds like an issue. I do have a hard time believing that a full random bg team is decked out and 240+ ilvl

It happens all the time, and also in Arena Skirmishes.

For mediocre players, doing low rated arenas are much more balanced than doing an unranked skirmish.

It is broke though.

You might think the Earth is flat but you would be wrong. Just because you refuse to see or address the problems, doesn’t mean they don’t exist. These problems have obviously hurt the game tremendously and will continue to do so, until things are fixed.


in your opinion it is

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Could the pvp issue not be fixed by then introducing a min ilvl type pvp mode? You q in and everyone keeps their current gear/trinkets but are sane ilvl? Keep the other modes as well but just add that option? Why not argue for additions for improvements instead of asking things to be taken from others?

It is not whatsoever. All I’ve been saying from the start in my responses to you is that you’ve given no one any grounds to make any case whatsoever, because individual opinion doesn’t matter (except yours), any claim to what the community feels is wrong and unsubstantiated because there are no sociological studies (which are merely anecdotal in most cases), any guess at what community opinion is is simply anecdotal, the loud majority, or conspiracy theory. You’ve effectively given no one any grounds to make any case, and I’m displaying how ridiculous your standard for legitimacy is. “Sources?” doesn’t discredit the other person using a “it can’t be known for sure” while also asserting you’re correct.

But mostly, you have stated that if something isn’t broken, don’t try to fix it, which operates under the assumption that BECAUSE SOMETHING SIMPLY EXISTS, and you as a single individual likes it, it isn’t broken. You’ve made an extreme claim in that it isn’t broken, especially when there are tons of people who claim it is.

So perhaps it isn’t broken for you, but for many it is, so to sweep any attempt at debate or resolution under the rug because you happen to like a particular feature or system when a decent chunk of the population dislikes and believes it is broken it is incredibly self-centered.

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sorry I hate to tell you this but most mythics now are so easy I can do up to a 7 and feel comfterable about it. I’m not after raid gear or even high end gear I do it cause i like the fun and learning from those who are better than me.

When you decided to stop learning then you are hurting yourself. If no one is pushing higher end content then I can’t see people needing such over powered gear. anyone can get 210 gear now from a mythic 0.

and we can go around and around.

changing something for you is as you put it

Yet the game is losing players each day.

But YOU’RE happy, so that’s all that counts, right?

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people are leaving because of M+? huh, missed that.

since YOURE unhappy, we need to change everything, right?

That’s part of it, yes. People have done data research on raider io, and mythic key runs are at an all time low. Even the people sticking around are running less keys.

It’s not about YOU, or ME. It’s about what the MAJORITY wants.

And clearly, what the game offers currently is not what the majority wants, since the game is dying a slow death this expansion.