Looks like the Delves are showing more popular than the go go go go go and booted for the slightest thing mentality in m+ .
Says the guy who hasn’t completed anything above a +3
Kinda stupid indeed
M+ participation definitely seems far less than DF.
I am wondering if we have similar player population as DF, but people are running less keys, or if we have less players hence less M+ groups.
Let it die. It was fun in bfa and shadowlands but healing this season feels more like a punishment than a game. This is the first time I’ve ever enjoyed raiding more than m+, so if this is the trend then f it just let it burn.
They had the right formula in S3 of DF and then seemingly threw it all out and decided to make M+ as annoying and unrewarding as possible.
This season yes, nothing above +3. That’s kind of my point. We lost the difficulty range of M0 to M10+ from last season. The difficult jump from Heroic to M+ is too much for many of us.
Mythic+ isn’t fun this season. I’m hearing even key enthusiasts that would play them for fun just drop them after they get portals/KSM.
Just plug your nose and get it over with
85% of the player bases ilvl isn’t ready for 10s. It’s week 3. Breath.
Telling customers to “get gud” is a lame insult to show off elitism and doesn’t address the problem. I used to golf a lot, twice a week. Lots of practice at golfing ranges. Private and group lesions. No matter how hard I tired, I would never get even remotely close to Tiger Wood skill level (the amazing golf pro when I played golf).
Blizzard creates content for all skill levels, not just the elitist jerks. IMO the remove of the M0 to M10+ difficulty from last season is a mistake and cuts out lots of customers from M+.
To all the elitist jerks out there, build self-esteem in real life, not a video game.
This, And I don’t think I ever found a lasting guild threw the guild finder system. I always find the best guild posting in gen/trade with what there guild does and ect. I also have a close group of friends that we just do the content but we are all different guilds and servers. I dont do mythic or anything so…
I tend to agree with this, but I don’t think m0 is insurmountable and it doesn’t have a timer. For anything in the m+ range, a lot of what I see in this thread is “timed content sucks” “M+ needs to die” so…those aren’t people who I’d necessarily consider good faith since there’s plenty of things in the game that cater to people who don’t want to be timed or that just aren’t m+. They can get their enjoyment elsewhere and just not engage in m+.
Converting to the new scale probably alienated more people than not to your point, and I think there’s some smoothing of the difficulty curve that needs to be done. The new scale feels mostly fine to people who play M+ because everything below like 10-15 was kind of a meme.
Blizzard pretty clearly doesn’t care about this, as they have left the guild finder in absolute shambles for years. Its a shame.
I assume that a lot of people go out on Saturday night so I wouldn’t call that prime gaming time. At least that’s my personal experience.
If it was a Tues, Wed or Thursday then it would be more concerning.
Idk, I loved it in Sonic the Hedgehog.
i love/loved sonic adventure 2 battle. y’know what level was the worst one? the treasure-hunting level with the 5 minute timer. why? because timers don’t add anything to the game, they just stress-out the player.
The point is that Blizzard keeps coming up with ways to try to placate solo players while doing little to nothing to help group players. Blizzard seems to fundamentally misunderstand how players form connections in game; if they understood, they never would have made the automated cross-realm dungeon finder.
Maybe when the game’s on its last legs? It’s super weird for Blizzard to design a game mode in which the game basically plays itself and, oh, look, there’s a player in the mix there somewhere.
Much of the reason why M+ and Heroic dungeon difficulties were revamped is because of the constant (and accurate) complaints of players about how content below M+ was so stupidly easy that it wasn’t fun to play, or no one played it. Pre-DF S4, M0 was basically ignored after the first week of the expansion, and Heroics, including TW, was essentially trying to keep up with the tank while they pulled entire sections of the dungeon to the nearest boss.
I can virtually guarantee you that high-end players were not the ones complaining about the viability of non-M+ content; it was everyone else. So when you say:
…this honestly sounds like projection on your part.
Who would have thought that majority of players like easy content more then hard content
Hello, I see you posted a thread about death. Oh no, that’s horrible! I hope it gets a proper funeral as well as a wake for friends and loved ones to gather and reminisce!
Thanks for your post and have a great day!
As a healer i can say i avoid mythic plus like a plague. Delves are more fun and dont cause me unbelievable headaches