M+ has a Litany of Issues

Have you seen any changes on PTR that address your issue OP?

Cause I see the ‘visuals’ change on PTR to greatly improve seeing ‘bad’.

I thought it was a Snozay alt, but Felpickle makes sense. There is a gaggle of WoW addicts on these forums that love blasting people that don’t drink the Blizzard Kool-aid.

Kind of sad watching people wrap up their real life identity with this game.


My child dont feel sad Fathergrabby is free of guilt and only wants to spread the blizzard kool aid too all the loyal citizens of azeroth, go in the light

You need to get out more. I’m betting you are either some bored office worker, or some retired boomer with too much time on their hands.


My child you know what they say about assuming. Peace be with you drink this kool aid be rid of your guild. Fathergrabby is here :raised_hands:

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That’s funny coming from you Tuwen/Nerifina.

I think my combine post count doesn’t even equal 20% of your post count. You spend way more time here than me.

This is your activity here

Are we really gonna argue about who post more or trolls more on the WoW forums. We are all addicted to WoW come on guys lmao


I did the same, not reading all that wtf

My activity here doesn’t matter. The point I’m making is that you are here frequent enough that it’s ironic that you are calling other people out as WoW addicts while alt-hopping.

I’m not that frequent, before this month, I didn’t post anything since like October.

You are like in every thread slinging insults at people, or arguing with anyone that brings up the huge issues M+ has brought to the game.

You’re jut like the other pro M+ crowd, you get so incensed at anyone that dares to voice criticism of a system that only a small % of the player base even engages with.

It kind of makes me sad that the game has been hijacked by a bunch of addicts that need systems in place to feed their addiction of constant character progression.

Sure, one can try to ignore M+, but sadly the impact of M+ on everything is just way too present in the game to be able to ignore totally.

This is where you tell me that M+ is the most successful system ever introduced into the game, but only 30% of characters even bother to get the most basic KSE achievement.

Yah, that really shows how not popular M+ is.

Yes, I will beat this dead horse until Blizzard either bans me or, finally puts M+ into the background where it belongs instead of trying to make it a “pillar of endgame”

Someday, someone is going to do a post-mortem on WoW and what was the turning point for the game’s demise. I will argue that desiging the game around speed running dungeons on a timer will stand out as one of the biggest reasons why people left WoW. I’ve seen it in almost all the guilds I’ve been over the years, most of my friends won’t play retail due to how sweaty M+ has made the game.

At the end of the day, Blizzard just went the most lazy route they could with trying to add more things to do during raid off nights.

This is something I don’t do. I point out facts and if people get defensive that’s on them. Offense is taken, not given.

I know there are issues with M+ and created a giant thread with possible solutions. I argue with people who don’t participate in M+ that want to change it on a fundamental level or those who bring up bad ideas.

You are and you post on multiple alts.

Where’s your data? DFA? That source is unreliable.

Hahaha 7/10 youre a silly troll i had a good chickle reading that nonsense

This is true. M+ allows them to just recycle dungeons by adding a timer and random affixes. Rather than spending the time to create new dungeons, they just copy paste.

You only have to see all the crying about delves actually rewarding loot and the associated M+ participation drop off as people don’t feel the need to run M+ now to understand just how unpopular M+ actually is.

It only ever had any sort of numbers because of the inflated loot locked behind relatively easy 5 man content, infinitely spammable and rewarding failure. As soon as another option presented, participation fell off a cliff.

Look at all the complaining this expansion when Blizzard actually made the difficulty reflect the rewards given. “We only run M+ for the fun honest pinky swear” turned into “oh no, I can’t fail my way to mythic raid loot as easy now, this is unacceptable”.

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Yeah, min maxing every little thing does need to stop. At the same time, S2 changes will help folks are nervous to enter in have a little bit easier time. I am stoked for S2 changes, mostly.

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Is it not a healing absorb DoT anymore? Pretty sure it can be healed off and even though 2 dispels can do it with the addition of healing it off, it gets sketchy. And Alexstrazsa help you if you play the class with t-rex arms for range and have ranged that didn’t get the memo.

I agree that healers should have something to heal. I just don’t think that it should be arbitrarily put into every aspect of M+. As stated, I think 80% of group damage taken should optional and as a result of true mechanics failure (not from lack/poor distribution of resources). Putting so much unavoidable AoE damage in the game leans towards just managing defensives and whoever has the best/most defensives pulls ahead. Having recently picked up rogue in the lull of the season, feint is nuts.

Why would you restrict comps to 1-1-3?

Because challenges aren’t challenges when they’re born of Blizz putting a bullet in your leg after you ran the race too good the first time. Except we’re on the 4th or 5th re-run of this now.

There’s layers to this. For one I’m opposed to more emphasis on group dynamic as that kinda leads towards selecting for specific specs. I’m more of the sentiment of letting individual players go nuts because that means if you get five really cracked players, you can dial things back or if you have to carry your back doesn’t hurt as much.

As for the utility portion of this, do you mean the utility that Blizz has nerfed into the dirt from more than one angle?

Thank god. This is the best news I’ve heard about 11.1 outside of the monk tier mog. Because if we can use micro cc as kicks again we can bypass.

Very reliably.

Several bosses designed like Redhook/Stitchflesh but with no unavoidable AoE damage. Or fights like Mists 2nd before they nerfed dodgeball. I did not mention it in the OP, but I’d like to explore more bosses like EDNA (Stonevault 1st) where healers do more than just zug heal and dispel when “the thing” comes up. I’d put trash that can be used to kill trash like how Wake and Siege used to be because if scaling is gonna be a theme we might as well use it against itself. Lots of cheese too. Just ways to test players’ ability to pilot their classes as opposed to bland aoe big dam heal this and rotate CDs.

Yea only after Blizz nerfed all the other CC that made mechanics very manageable.

What you say is true, but it still bleeds down into everything else M+. A prot pally vs any other tank is like night and day in not 15+s. I can only imagine how wide the gap feels if it’s like BrM vs Prot pally in the high end.

Yea because it feels terrible to play tank and heals. I’ve done both this season, and it’s always either mind numbingly boring or massive clench with very little middle ground.

Not entirely inaccurate. I want a return in player power to counter more mechanics resulting in less failed mechanics because more classes will have more resources, which will result in less stupid people that demand meta specs where it isn’t needed (below world first keys). In addition to that, I’d shift dungeon design more towards rewarding smarter player piloting as opposed to a resource game. Less back-end resource management, and more in the moment execute.

Fort and Tyran, are lazy. More than half of the Xal affixes are bad.

No. The state of M+ has just become so horrendous that several people have individually come to the same conclusion.

It never was, in the essence that you have to heal off before you can actually heal your target that is.

If a person is at 50% hp and gets the affix on them, you can heal 50% of their hp simultaneously to healing 50% of the affix. You don’t have to heal the affix before you’re able to heal the injured party member.

That means you want 20% of possible outgoing damage to be unavoidable, correct?

I believe that’s would be an increase in unavoidable damage compared to today, as there’s curently not much unavoidable damage compared to what’s avoidable (unless you’re tanking of course).

It would be too problematic design wise to make other comps optional rather than mandatory, and it goes against blizzards design philosophy. How much more are you and everyone else willing to pay for your subscription to finance this?

Also, let’s say you design something so that it can be done without a healer. That diminished the healer role, why would anyone play a healer? Same goes for tanks, for DPS it’s a little different as you want more damage by default.

So you want new dungeons entirely instead of redesigned I’m guessing? Based on what I quoted it sounded like you wanted relaxing, easy content.

Sure, how much more are you and everyone else willing to pay for this new content on top of what you already pay? It needs more financing after all.

So, basically harmless target dummies? Redhook only has 1 actual mechanic as it is, and the only danger to stitchflesh is the AoE (although you can avoid a lot of it by making sure the add is dead as much as possible, even if it’s a bad play).

Healers already do the same mechanics as DPS and then some more as there’s no DPS checks this season. Does this mean we should increase the amount of mechanics in general, or just increase the amount of healer mechanics?

I don’t mind using the trash against itself, I think that adds another layer of skill, which is great. I dislike being able to cheese it though, as that makes cheese classes pretty much mandatory eventually (looking at you priests with your dominate mind in NW).

They’re currently perfectly manageable, just not soloable like in DF S3-S4.

BrM is currently the second best tank in high m+, but yeah prot paladin is busted.
In keys below 16s the dungeons themselves aren’t hard enough for prot paladin to shine though, it’s just nice to have because it can salvage a lot of everyones fails (overlapped kicks and stops, poor defensive usage, sub-optimal dps).

That’s most subjective.

Im also playing both, and I think they’re in a great spot. Although I haven’t done higher than 14s, so can’t speak for high keys.

The one thing I’d change, if anything at all, is the imbalance in healers damage. If they want us to contribute to damage, buff all healers damage to equal mistweavers. If they don’t want us to contribute to damage, make healing more stressful so we don’t have as much downtime on healing.

Alright, we hold vastly different opinions then.

I think m+ in general is designes pretty well right now, but they should add more rot damage and much more DPS checks on top of what we have today.

Nobody should be able to solo mechanics in group content in my opinion.

I think a lot of the S2 changes will help the transition into M+.


Games not an esport. Never will be.


Looking forward to it to be quite honest. A lot of people seem to be dreading it for some reason but it’s not enough to make it a total faceroll. It’s enough to open the gates for some people though.

For people that already saw it as a faceroll I guess it’s time to step up a few key levels? That’s about the only “harm” to them that I see.