For a random piece that may not have the traits you need and thus, be far inferior.
Meanwhile, you can do the mythic raid three times in this time span, have multiple opportunities for azerite armor, get 485 gear from the lat two bosses, and get the traits you desire.
you only get residuum from breaking stuff down (lol have fun with that) or the weekly chest.
You are trying to play the game of “the ends are an issue!” but are ignoring the time investment and requirements.
Mythic raiders got upset about it so it went the dodo route
Why is doing heroic with 10-30 people harder and less rewarding than doing 10s with 5 people on the same dungeons everyone has already leaned for the past year?
There are several azerite traits and trait combinations that are raid only. Archive, Lote, and HoD. This tier the highest level azerite options are from carapace and nzoth.
They weren’t. They were required for most classes to function. Players without the bonus had no chance to compete with those that did. It forced everyone that wanted to pve to raid.
Yes, you are 460ish ilvl… Your warrior hasn’t progressed into mythic yet. If you continue to farm content that rewards 460ish gear it will more difficult to progress now that wf/tf is gone.
Heroic raiding does, 460 vs 455 from a 10 key. 15 keys reward higher ilvl because they are more difficult than heroic. Carapace and nzoth reward 470 because they are more difficult than 15 keys.
Seems like working as intended. Except pvp. 2.2k cr is more difficult than heroic raiding or 15 keys and rewards worse loot at a slower pace. That is what actually needs to be fixed.
Simply because heroics are not harder than mythics.
As for the mythic 15’s and up, Blizzard probably considers them harder than heroic raids.
Let alone
1 boss in a raid = several pieces of loot No time limit
several bosses in a dungeon= 1 piece of loot.
You also need to time or the key degrades and you need to grind it up again.
That’s questionable and hard to quantify since there are too many variables to consider.
What you forget about is the logistical difficulty which Blizz used to take into account. It’s much harder to organize a successful Heroic Raid than it is to run a Mythic 15.
For the first 3 seasons a mythic +10 dropped the same item level as a heroic raid. Now it’s a +11. They are for sure easy than anything past the first 1-3 heroic bosses. You don’t even need to time it.
Untimed is 2 items for 5 people (40%).
Timed is 3 items for 5 people (60%) and goes up even higher with key level.
No lockout. And they are the same dungeons we’ve been running for over a year so there is almost no real learning curve other than the seasonal affix.
Also for everyone’s first run they all get a guaranteed item in their chest that is higher than what can drop in a heroic raid and also 1/3 of the required residium to buy mythic raid quality Azerite.
Heroic raids are 5 items for 20 people (25%). No guaranteed weekly items. Limited by lockout. No chance at mythic quality Azerite.
I don’t mean to be contrary, but gear is the actual point of the game for the vast majority of folks. Oh, there are some oddballs out there like me that just want to kill players, but we are statistically insignificant. You play content to get gear to play content. That is the actual design loop of the game, not some arbitrary metric or choice players make. The game design is one of “levels” and “gear”. I’m not 100% sure what else you expect people to do, if not pursue that game loop.
PvP? Gear dependent.
Roleplay? Gear dependent. (Having windows installed into belly buttons so RP’ers can see out of them count as equipment in my book.)
You can’t even just quest beyond walking distance of the starting zone without gear. In fact, it looks as though you’re a level 120 warlock and not a lvl 1 lvl capped warlock wearing your starter items, so you plainly participate in the gearing and advancing of your characters.
How other people obtain their gear does, in fact, affect everyone else’s play. You have any idea how infuriating it is that pvp gear can’t ever compete with pve gear for all the open world function of the game? One is earned, the other is simply dice rolled into people’s bags and is objectively better than the other in the majority of content of the game, even and especially historically. PvP’ers have been griping about this since… oh… ever, and honestly, I just find it amusing that some of the PvE folks are getting a small taste of what it’s been like on this side of the fence since the BG’s were introduced. Mythic plus dungeoneer’s getting gear that is, in many respects BETTER than the hard fought hard earned raid gear? Yeah. Welcome to the side of the fence finally folks. How’s it feel?
Well yes, more cats to herd isnobciously harder.
Hence, why a heroic raid boss drops several pieces of gear, and you dont need to kill 5 bosses to get a chance at 1 for everyone.
Ypu also get azerite gear which is the largest upgrades.
Sometimes you get very lucky and have 4.
Otherwise, its 1 to 2 pieces of gear for 5 bosses.
Heck, raiding guarantees your bis traits. Dungeons dont give azerite armor and the ones you get at earliest are random and often not optimal
The reward is often greater through raids than M+.
Which is fine