M+ Feels Less Friend-Friendly This Season

Pugging has been an absolute nightmare. I think since it’s a little more difficult – it raises the barrier of entry for new players. I’ve switched to maining a resto druid, its quite fun - but actively looking for a M+ team / guild w/ my sin rogue…

I agree with a lot of your points and I can hang with it, unfortunately, my friends don’t have the same skill level and so the way we play together is changing and it is not friendly for my friends, and that is also a fact for me at least. For me its not the challange that is making it not fun, it not being able to do it with my homies.

Where are you getting the keystone master percentages, would love to double click into those ratio’s. One thing I personally feel about Keystone master this time around is it is easier than past seasons but that could just be nostalgia and we don’t really care about that, its more about KSH. And by easier, its easier for me as a lone wolf, not necessarily for my friends. They might not actually get KSH this season.

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Remove the parenthesis.

You can go through the different expansions and seasons, but DF S2 data is corrupted so ignore that one.

Thanks - I was actually looking for something like this but for participation week by week, do you know of something like that as well?

This only works for the first affix cycle so like the first 8 weeks or however many affix combinations there are, but you can look at “All Runs Completed” and select the specific affixes by week. Then look at the last page to see how many runs were completed.

Its wild how much more this impacts LFG groups vs guild / team groups.

Search DF Season 4 weekly runs reddit. A guy last expac kept notes and a graph.

The issue is the crazy difficulty jumps going from 6-7, 9-10, and 11-12

Instead of a nice gradual increase as you get better you go from doing a comfortable easy key to getting wrecked

It feels terrible


it hurts xD

too many times we finish with ~8-12 seconds past the timer and then everyone feels bad because we know too well it was just a matter of 1 less death to time it.

happened 2 times in dawnbreaker just last night


Seems to affect my guild groups more :grin:

To be fair, it is week 3 of M+. Based on what you’ve described, it sounds as if your friends were leaning heavily on gear and/or you may have been a DH tank last season

The first M+ season of an expac usually is the biggest power reset, and much of the best players doing pushes are sitting at the 11-13 range right now

For even more people, a +7 in week three is a STRETCH goal, but that IS the progress!

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And anytime you ever say “well, one less death” that’s almost always actually “one less misplay amongst the dozens we made in the key”

But it’s all the same thing; tighter play is the answer. But again, it’s also just week 3 and the majority of people are barely geared for M+ who are getting into 7s. It will be fine in like a week or two for the casual crew

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You never provided anything about why you cant play with your friends and im calling it as just straight BS.

If you can separately pug 10s you can group and do them as well.

the issues is when your friend is a tank…and goes blind to +7 and its a wipefest

u finish the dungeon after 40 min lol , only to hear him say, ok gonna look into a guide that was crazy…

you covered on your own blood … OH U DONT SAY?

plus tank moving mobs outside the aoe breaks your dps to the ground , moving around while u have 3 Rof/EQ / Orb-Blizzard/ hunter owl…

u know the experience holy !$%! stop moving mobs outside aoe when u dont need to avoid any mechanics

oh well , i get some laughs too , or when he is dies to avoidable aoe or miss tank buster
( he on discord : this healer…) while im facepalming irl …

The M+ squish needs to be reverted.

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What affix? Haven’t even touch keys this season and it feels great not to be stress


mythic + was never friendly but yeah it feels like it gets worse each season but this season is def bad but i think that has a lot to do with how truely awful mythic + is right now, its WAY overtuned the affixes are absolutely horrible, atrocious dungeon pool and thanks to the lack of tanks and healers, everyone is being even more pickier.

It’s a new one that i think starts at either lvl 4 or 5 that when a player dies insted of losing only 5 secends you lose 15.

I will play the goshdarn game, if only I can get into a party. been 40 mins.
nothing is happening, I am linking my logs and all ,and they are great.
my 9s are complete/timed, and also had a 10 mist but somehow it got deleted from my mythic table.
and I cannot find a group to play the game. well, if the god almighty developers put m+ loot and gilded crests in delves, I can start to do those.

You need to make an awesome pre-made group or buy a carry to get to 2k rating to get the mount. Pugs wipe a million times in keys higher than 3. I have a 1250 rating and gave up.