I don’t know if it still works like that, but it certainly used to.
Back in Shadowlands, we had a Plaguefall M+ that fell apart right before the last boss.
It wasn’t my key, but I did tank it.
Randomly while I was playing, standing in Oribos, I recieved loot from M+ Plaguefall and got the score window saying I’d completed the run- that wasn’t the case lol.
I did a quick /who search and saw the person who originally hosted the key, finished the run.
It was weird- I still got loot despite not being a part of that current group.
I haven’t had the same thing happen again, probably because I haven’t had groups fall apart thankfully, but it was an amusing glitch lol.
If you leave or get removed from the group mid-key, but the run is still somehow completed without you:
You will get:
Any loot that dropped for you (which isn’t guaranteed, since others may have won instead).
Credit for the run in your vault.
You will NOT get:
Note that I believe this only applies if you were in the run for at least the first boss kill. If you just leave (or are removed) right after the key was started, you won’t get anything.
idk if thats how it works or not. it might force the two pieces onto remaining participants, idk. that part i cant speak to because im always the one that leaves
Yeah, I have assumptions and guesses. And I would assume the easiest thing to code is like they do for locking talents and party-members: after the key is inserted, whomever is in your party then (and possibly in the dungeon?) becomes eligible for loot/items at end, depending on the outcome. (But the kind of item can be changed because I’ve reset my loot spec midway in keys, too…)
Party gets locked when starting key, and you can’t even leave the dungeon as a party and then swap team members because key will deplete.
I replaced my team mid key (by leaving and starting a new key.) They 4 manned the stuff, and I got a dungeon completed notice while mid-key, with a time of 56 mins or something.