M+ dev team is out of touch with reality

What? You don’t speak G-Fuel?


The bonuses are 10%, but only to some trash mobs and not to bosses.

So it’s not a flat 10% damage bonus to the key.

If mana and non-mana trash is split evenly then it’d be 5% total damage to trash.

Then it doesn’t work on bosses, so it’s actually less than 5% total damage in the key. Likely closer to 3%.

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You don’t have your CRED???

The entire M+ community and the devs piloting it feel like they are fully at odds with the rest of the game & community.


Based on one of the interviews with one of Blizzard’s co-founders, many of the current devs don’t play any games for their own enjoyment.

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My only concern is dealing with people denying me because I’m in the “wrong spec”. I mostly pug and y’all know how it is…

What a shame. Sadly it’s mostly about activism in gaming lately. A trend I hope that changes soon.

I genuinely feel bad for puggers. It’s a brutal experience. I remember when I first started out mid-season as a tank (my first time) pugging M+. Some of the most toxic experiences in gaming I’ve ever had.


This game was built on pug friendliness. The more the devs have tried to lean into this ultra competitive content, the worst the game has gotten for many.

The M+ meta has a huge influence on the entire end game, it is impossible to ignore it.


It’s why I didn’t bother this season. Got some 10’s and said screw it. I might hook up with some guildies for TWW.


It always comes down to how one defines casual.

There is a difference in removing ALL TALENTS that stack up, and one singular one.

And you do less than Fire, still

Yes. Its pretty basic middle school stuff.

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You clearly didn’t play Vanilla and TBC. End game was all about guild progression.

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well sosari says 3% isnt impactful so lets move on, these affixes are great and wont cause issues within the community, they are also majoring in math and english too. we are in great hands nothing to see here move along, buffing schools week depencdant wont cause any issues its only 3%

3% isn’t going to overcome the inherent class balancing differences. You are not understanding the actual argument.


Oh is this not about the affixes? whats the argument then cuz if i scroll all the way up

This seems way too low especially with Focused and dungeons like Grim Batol that is full of caster mobs. They’re probably going to do tuning passes with each dungeon but as of right now some affixes are looking considerably worse than others depending on the dungeon.

How cooked are you?


Affixes need to be “Remi does 15% more damage. Dropping a table in the beginning of a key doubles this bonus.”


Looks liek u on the wrong post buddy, if u talking current meta ya lots can be done, like DR the sigils like shockwave DR’s for a prot warrior for every friggin class and their stun. This is not that argument sir pls move along you are the confused one. this is about the affix sucking and making no sense and ruining classes each week that dont get boosted, period it will happen

The inherent class balancing differences is always greater than 5%. Never in the history of wow have all DPS specs been within 5% of each other. This means that the 5% gain from the affix is not going to make one class better than another because the 5% isn’t closing the balancing gap that exists on it’s own.


The entire system is terrible. No one likes the affix system, but they don’t really have any more levers to pull because they are hamstrung by this boring timed trial design.