Because all guilds have large numbers of tanks with nothing to do because players who pug haven’t joined those guilds and asked them to be their friend.
We do not have enough Delves
Yeah maybe. You would still need crests though and raid isn’t an amazing way of acquiring them. Probably never will be.
What’s that do to the raid then I guess? Triple the loot/crests? It’s greatly nerfed?
There’s what 16 delves vs 8 dungeons?
Group with like minded folks
how does that fix pugging and using the lfg system?
You wont be pugging. Thats how it fixes that
oh dear gawd. another of the “I’m not coordinated enough nor smart enough to learn my class let alone attempt to learn mechanics” post. Maybe just maybe the harder content isn’t for everyone… Yes everyone wants the best iLvL and gear in game, but guess what, you have to earn it and do harder content. I know… I KNOW… I K-N-O-W ! Hard concept to grasp isn’t it.
sounds bout right. I woulda just left an emoji but this system needs atleast 10 characters.
Isn’t M+ now a separate PvE aspect? I have characters that do both M+ and raids, and others that only raid without doing M+, yet they still have Heroic Queen kills.
M+ isn’t mandatory for raiding, and vice versa.
To get the 639 PvP set, it takes just a few hours.
At the same time, you could spend about 1.5 to 2 months on Mythic raiding and 10+ keys and still end up going to the arena in 639 PvE gear.
Hahaha! Casual-ty …. Love it.
I dislike picking on people with learning disabilities but please take the time to critically think about what you read rather than impose your biases on it. I’m not saying to remove the timer or make M+ easier. I’m saying make it truly competitive instead of this half baked “ladder” system and at the same time allow casuals to progress without having to group with people with your mentality.
^ This. I saw a ton of people quit the game in Legion and especially BfA because of M+ and AP farming.
For most of WoW’s history, you could raid just 3 nights a week and you were be fine.
Then came M+ and AP, and suddenly you had to play 6 or 7 nights a week to raid.
And that’s not what a lot of people signed up for. So they quit.
Including a lot of HoF guilds that went belly-up in BfA.

Im unsure why people hate plus so much
See above.
Walling off M+ from the rest of the game would be a phenomenal win for everyone.
There’s some merit to your idea but I might lose interest in the game if they did that. I like that it’s all connected.
Sounds like youre giving up without even trying in the first place because in your head youve made up a scenario where no tank will ever want to run with you
Wow has hemoraged people every expansion since cata for several reasons not just since legion introduced mplus. Ap is gone now but plus is not a problem. No one is forced to do plus unless you are in a mythic raiding guild, and honestly as a mythic raider doing plus is a blessing because you typically save your lockout to kill the last 4 bosses of the raid, so myth track gear is only available to you in vault from plus not raid anymore. Its the only lifeline toward getting 639 gear. So no i do not agree that everyone would benefit from walling off plus
Continually shrinking the raid loot to force people into M+ to prop up its participation rate is not a “blessing”.

Walling off M+ from the rest of the game would be a phenomenal win for everyone.
You misspelled “raiding”.

I dislike picking on people with learning disabilities but please take the time to critically think about what you read rather than impose your biases on it. I’m not saying to remove the timer or make M+ easier. I’m saying make it truly competitive instead of this half baked “ladder” system and at the same time allow casuals to progress without having to group with people with your mentality
If you were to think critically…
You would see “casuals” are able to progress quite easily in m+.
And you would see how your system does not make sense.

You would see “casuals” are able to progress quite easily in m+.
/raises hand