M+ could be a separate pve progression system

What if they expanded on M+ but make it it’s own competitive mode like the pvp system. Raider IO would allow you to get different pve gear, and the ladder system would mean something other than bragging rights or gate noobs from groups. Then they could make all dungeons like delves where people can group or use the follower system to progress thru at their own pace. I think that would solve a lot of issues we are seeing currently. Keep the competitive pvers happy, and allow casuals to progress without having to compete with the more serious players.


I fully support any suggestion recommending the seperation of “casual” players from everyone else.

Not because it would be good for the game…it would just add a whole new complaint topic for the forums that would likely be hilarious.

We’d need a catchy name for it like Brexit…maybe Casual’ties. That would be funny.


It is it’s own competitive mode.

Why make dungeons like delves? You already have delves. Do you not have enough delves?

Also if you give M+ it’s own gearing system, there becomes far less mythic raid guilds.


Im unsure why people hate plus so much, tens are basicly free, you dont need above a ten for vault. Litterally find a guild, make friends with a tank and run keys


None of this makes any sense, and seems like you genuinely don’t even understand what M+ is. How about no for every part of that, and you play the content you like instead.

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If I want delves I’ve got delves.

They just need to make more delves.


That’s already what it is, except no rewards for mid tier play.

Ksm/ksh are free, title is top 0.1%

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It’s one of only two ways to get gilded crests. The devs understand the problem this is causing is why they are adding gilded crests to delves. M+ is half baked. It’s a ladder without the ladder. What im suggesting is to make it truly a pve competitive system.

As someone who is forced to earn fake gear, just because I like pvp, I’m all for this idea!

Everyone should have to earn fake gear that only works sometimes in some areas.

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Who are you competing against if it’s a competitive system? Maybe i dont see the allure of seeing my ranking on a 3rd party website mean anything in game. I don’t see how m+ rated gear would affect mythic raid participation.

This has already happened, and it did not reduce the number of mythic raid guilds. It instead caused mythic raiders to be forced to do M+ in order to remain competitive.


Myself at the moment really. I did a 12, now how do I do a 13. K, did the 13, now to move on to 14s. etc. Then eventually you git gud enough and compete against other players for title or you just keep trying to improve on yourself as a player if you’re not in that range.

They both dip into each others pools. Which one is going to be harmed more, the one that needs 5 people or the one that needs 20+ along with specific classes?

That’s not what im suggesting. Rated gear will give you rated rewards, maybe they could add specific dungeon bonuses to the gear or whatever. They could add things to help you with the dungeon, timer depletion, affixes etc, but the gear would still be relevant for pve.

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i would quit if i had to farm another gear set. sorry just not happening, i already quit pvp for the same reason if they did this i would quit wow.


Do you farm bis? I dont understand your complaint. If i want bis. I have to farm mythic raid as well as m+ just so i can do mythic raid. M+ rated gear makes it so if you want to climb m+ ladder you have a system that helps you do that.

Because this is the “hardest” season yet, mostly because the entry point into m+ is mixed in with actual key runners.
People can’t get carried like they did in the past and runs end up bricked more so than the past.

So instead self improvement and learning their class and dungeons to complete them, they’d rather mess with the system.

I’d say its a non issue, but Ive never bricked so many 6s and 7s in my life.


generally speaking no i dont farm for gear. its pretty rare for me to have to target specific keys for gear since i usually do enough keys to just get it naturally.

no you dont we have two healers in my mythic raid that only do raid. they both are at 636. sure if you are in a big push guild they will have m+ requirements but alot of mythic guilds do m+ because its fun.

M+ already has a system in place and it works i dont want to have to grind out different gear sets in that mode just because you are salty at getting denied in keys. if people want content like delves then they should play delves. M+ isnt for everyone and thats ok, that said i would like it if the expanded delves and made it scaling like m+. that could be intersting to see how far each class can push it/ groups.

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You are competing against others for a slot if your DPS. Tanks and Healers gets to write their own ticket.

I can’t speak to “allure”; you either like M+ or you don’t. However, you don’t need to go to a 3rd party website to see the rankings, they’re right on Blizzard’s own web-site (although there’s no overall ranking, it’s specific to realm & dungeon; kind of dumb “server identity” thing when M+ is cross-server).


The ranking on a leaderboard site doesn’t matter though because you can see everyone’s score in-game that’s applying to your key and all those applying are competing for a slot in a key-run (again mostly applies to DPS). If I see two similar item-levels on a class/spec I want applying to me key in the group finder, I’m taking the one with: a) higher score; and/or b) more timed runs at the key-level I’m listing. That’s an implicit competition for spots in someone’s run, which isn’t really much like guild PvP in BG/Arena. I suppose it might be like Solo Shuffle I guess with Match-Make-Rating (MMR)? I dunno as I’ve not PvP’d since MoP (and I’ve heard complaints about ladder progress with MMR, but M+ Score is pretty straightforward).

Competing for spots to get into pugs is diabolical work no? Especially for paying for a service. It’d be like if I want to pay for a haircut, i need to have the longest hair. People with shorter hair either have to wait for the trainee and get they head butchered or sit in line. Eventually you’ll find another barber. Competing to get the best rewards is one thing but competing to prevent others from playing is weird.

You might actually see some raiders come back to the game if the over-reliance on M+ spamming for gear/crests were removed from raiding.

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