M+ changes in DF are bad

Yeah, same thing the other way around. I seen people that push +20 every tier and they fail as much as everybody else in raid, it just that m+ take a lot of practice and knowledge the higher you go.

I feel like most people will just try to do as high as they want, but a lot of them will just settle for a 16-17 and not push into 20(at least for the first month or so). Especially with the mythic raid coming out at the same time, raiders wont have enough time to push to 20 let alone do 8 of them.

It doesn’t matter.

Nothing about the current changes will prevent guilds from out-gearing the raid like he was suggesting. At best it may reduce the number of times it happens and it was all based on an anecdote of something that happened 1 time.

Doesn’t really contradict any of my points, so maybe stop latching on to this.

It can still happen and I doubt the DF changes will reduce the frequency by much if at all.

I think the best analogy is that M+ is like a mosh pit, whereas raiding is more like a broadway musical.

Skillsets don’t exactly transfer well. The basics like spatial awareness, rotational ability and cooldown usage sure, but overall movement and prep is different.

And that’s where the problem lies. We don’t see eye to eye on this. Because right now the mythic raid tiers are only differentiated into 2 ilvl’s. But in DF they get swapped around to 3 different ones. So going forward when this changes, it is a nerf to the +15’s or +16’s (even if it has always been baseline mythic like you said, which doesn’t matter here because we’re not talking about that). The reason why its a nerf is because they added a middle tier.

It IS a buff for those who can do +20’s though.

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It’s a nerf to anyone who doesn’t do 18’s, stays the same for people doing 18’s, and is a buff for people doing 20’s.


It’s only a problem in your made up troll world.

For the rest of us, we’re giddy we got a loot buff in M+.

15* (barring 16s for GV).

Rest of us? How many are doing 20’s compared to those who are doing 15’s? Who do you think are more in number?

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How many Mythic raid compared to those who Heroic raid ?

What others get ilvl wise doesn’t affect you or your mode of play.

One could make the argument that effort probably also comes into account.

The effort required to clear 4/8 is typically monumentally lower than 6/8, and even more so than 8/8. I certainly would not state that clearing 4/8 took half the effort of clearing 8/8. Heck most of the first bosses of mythic are cleared within 1-10 pulls by CE guilds.

That being said, I agree that this is at most a minor nerf for M+ loot at the +15 level, but is a buff otherwise. Also gives more of a reason to go beyond +15, which is fine by me.

Then you’ll have to factor in that 4/8 will be farmed early season, anything else will be extended through for probably quite a few weeks, meaning loot drops will completely freeze up.

The majority of Mythic raid loot will be 415 if you count extension season which the majority of non-HoF CE guilds have to do to finish the tier.

It’s just spin at this point though. Half the bosses drop 415s. Anything else is an attempt at spinning to mark forum PvP score.

How many people are killing the fourth boss on the first month or so? Doing a 16 for the same reward as the first 3 bosses in mythic, seems fair enough to me.

That is true. I do wish they’d fix that… Having to miss out on gear drops week after week due to lockout extensions feels terrible.

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Barring longer tiers or better skips where you can still farm some things while not full reclearing, I don’t think there’s anything they can do really.

People who have analyzed the gear and the scaling seem to be in agreement that this is going to hit players who do low keys the hardest. Some are saying that it’s a good thing that players attempting to break into keys for the first time will have to struggle with harder dungeons and worse loot. I think it’s long-term a mistake that will hurt the game, because the idea that forcing lesser skilled players to do harder content (now with worse gear!) will give them no choice but to git gud has failed every time they’ve tried it.


The scaling changes don’t kick in until +11.

+2-+10 has the same scaling as Shadowlands.

Really the only bad design I see with the upcoming content. Moving loot to 20 was cool, but making 20’s like 23’s wasn’t a necessary change, IMO.

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Gear level matters. I don’t know if the ilvl difference will make a huge difference in DF. For those who are doing 15’s, doing heroic raids should still be alright. But if you’re trying to carry friends or help time keys where people aren’t pulling their weight? Not going to be as easy.

We don’t know the full scaling rn …
that is only a speculation based on the percentages given

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I’m talking about entry level players attempting to break into mythic+ by doing low keys, like +2. Those people are going to give up if they don’t make progress.


Only if you’re envious of others. Play at your level and stop being worried about what others are doing.