M+ changes in DF are bad

Both points are correct. Raiders who are saying they “won’t feel pressured” to M+ are in for a rude awakening. If there’s a spammable way to get better gear, guess what just became mandatory for raiding? Your BIS argument is also very valid as well.

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Wrong that 4/8 is 1/2 ?


Imagine being you right now, stuck counting apples on a WoW forum because you don’t know 4/8 is 1/2.

Is your first name Lee and last name Sin?

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I can only see why this “gap” matters to you if you are using m+ to gear to pug mythic raiding?

why do you care about “gap” between m+ & raid?

And somehow only matters now, not when it was -10 in Antorus and Ny’alotha.

It’s a troll talking point.

In the end it doesn’t matter, this change is going live. It’s a buff to everyone and people mad at it will have to stay mad and huff copium.

Imagine being you now. So desperate to cover up your failure to realize that the raid drops 3 different tiers of loot that you’re trying to post apples and talk fractions. Tsk tsk. Do you want a cookie, Raiimir?

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:apple: :apple: :apple: :apple: :green_apple: :green_apple: :pineapple: :pineapple:
that is more accurate tho


4/8 is still 1/2. Half those apples are red.

Yup. That’s what we were trying to explain to him lmao

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No, you said I was wrong that 4/8 is 1/2.

Which is idiotic. Because 4/8 is 1/2.

Most guilds won’t have their entire roster clearing 20s tho. Presuming tuning goes live similar to how it is on beta now.

can we agree that there are 3 tiers of gear?

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I have your blindfold ready man. Any day. When are you shaving your head though? Or is it already shaved under the helm.

Was that ever in question ?

There were 4 during HFCs, not exactly a new concept.

The point remains, are you also saying 4/8M bosses dropping 415s isn’t half the bosses dropping 415s ? Geology claimed it was one third, 1/3. I simply pointed out it was half. Wolf boy keeps spouting how wrong that is and it’s not a straight division.

Do you really want to join him ?

It’s been explained numerous times in this thread. You can just do a search of the thread for my username to find the answer you’re looking for if you’re not up for reading the thread as a whole. I’m not repeating myself yet again.


So you think that this raid team of mythic raiders will not be capable of clearing 20s across their roster, when they could do 15s previously? I find that hard to believe.

Either way it may not matter. 4 ilvls of main stat doesn’t inherently make the item better depending on how secondaries are weighted. So it may still not be an upgrade for anyone.

no thanks

the blue post topic was m+ as its own progression, which is a step in the right direction

the only ppl bothered are those trying use one endgame mode to gain gear advantage over the other endgame mode. or those who deem BiS as the primary reason to play this game.

Glad that you finally got it man. Now onto the next question. Do we still have 3 different tiers in our SL raids right now?

No one said that. We were talking about the tiers. But you seem to keep thinking that we were talking about half the bosses not dropping 415’s. What was said was that there are 3 different tiers of loot. And therefore its a nerf for those who are doing +15’s. Because currently they can still get 304’s which is only different from the last 2 raid bosses at 311.

Lots of Mythic rosters don’t have people go over 2k right now. And some play terribly in M+. The skills you get from raiding and being a good raider don’t exactly translate to M+, which is a different skillset and mindset.

I wouldn’t be surprised if more laidback CE guilds don’t have rosters full of 2.4k io peeps.

I got it in 2017 during HFC. It’s completely besides the point of this thread, as I’ve explained it to you many times.

Chest/GV end of week has always been Baseline Mythic raid ilvl. That isn’t changing in DF barring +1 on the key level making it a 16 instead of the traditionnal 15. Do you want me to repeat it again for the billonth time ? (that’s 1 followed by 9 zeroes btw).


Don’t believe it then.