And Mythic.
Or maybe raid difficulty and rewards should match M+. Pugging a heroic raid should be as easy and rewarding as pugging a 16 key. Same thing goes for mythic raids and 20’s.
So what you’re saying is, people who put in more effort to make their characters stronger and as a result likely have higher skill levels, are able to clear the raids faster?
What’s the problem?
If I can get a vault for every 3 dungeons I time, deal.
Well for starters, that’s not the case, since M+ is vastly easier than Mythic raiding, drops infinite quantities of gear, and in equal quality.
The easier content (M+) is way more rewarding than the harder content.
You get 1 chance at a piece per week for m+. You get as any as you can kill in mythic raid.
Also, I know it hasn’t been this way much, but the raid is kinda super easy this time around.
LMAO. This thread is such a troll.
Tell me you only do m+ without telling me you only do m+
Of course it is.
Here’s the problem with that: at this point in the season, an M+ player who doesn’t raid is in full 441s with a few 447s.
A raider who doesn’t M+ is in a mix of 441s, 437s, and 421s 415s maybe even a few 402/408 items from last season.
M+: you may not get the exact item you want, but you are guaranteed to get something.
Raiding: It’s entirely possible you don’t get anything at all.
It only takes one click to keep your foot out of your mouth.
… what game do you play?
Looks at 300 kills on Rashok, just over a hundred on Magmorax.
How many people are doing 8 20’s every week?
Yea. So maybe you should try that edit button.
If you sample a random account, they are about 10x as likely to have S2 KSH than M Rashok.
You don’t even get max ilvl from the bosses you kill.
You do 8 +20 keys, your vault is guaranteed to have 3 x 447 items.
You kill a Mythic boss that drops 447 items, which only 234 guilds in the world have even done, and you probably get a couple of 441 items in your vault.
No it doesn’t lol. BiS weapons, rings, necks, and trinkets that matter to the meta all of you irrelevant LFR heroes always cry about exclusively come from raid and always have
Yes. That’s the same cadence every season. M+ players gear up faster to baseline item level in the beginning, hits a plateau, and then get drip fed one chance at a drop per week for the rest of the season.
Raiders get a slower start, but every reclear increases your chances of getting loot, and by the end of the season, it’s just raining. So much that you’re DE-ing most of it and giving warlocks Jaythis for their felguards transmog.
It’s nearly impossible to compare them because you have to take in account when you’re drawing the comparison. First, they say the gear is unlimited, then I say but that item level is baseline and doesn’t matter, then they say well m+ must be easier because more people do it (ignoring the more obvious reasons). Then i point out the drip feed mechanics for m+, they point out that raiders have it too (not mentioning drops, because that’s their “tax” for fighting the roster boss).
It’s not a real argument. It’s a troll fest from start to finish.
That game is dead.
This is a super weird take considering raid loot is filling nearly every slot.
Eh, it never really rains gear in raid. The drop rate and lockout restriction stays constant for the entire season.
It’s entirely possible to have already had more chances (that are 2x as good) at getting a useable version of an M+ item than you will have in the entire season of raiding.